Saturday, May 31, 2014

@ Ryokan: I agree with you. In addition, it is amazing how it has managed phasis Vuze totally groun

Vuze (formerly Azureus) is a Java based BitTorrent client that on the one hand praised for its user-friendly Benutzeroberflche, on the other hand is often criticized for its resource hunger. The software offers in addition to the normal file-sharing functionality a platform for exchange not geschtzter phasis audio and video files. She is also known for its extensive plugin system, with which it can be extended. An extension tries, for example, the transmission rate to erhhen by selecting tender neighboring sources. Vuze contains a number of new features. So now the transmitted WMA and MP3 files is supported on the PSP for example. More information - including the fixed bugs - please visit the project website. Changelog phasis (excerpt): Added support for UPnP based offline-downloader services Obfuscated phasis lookups phasis for the DHT to preventDefault phasis leakage of key values falling on stage lookup support copying of mp3 and wma files to PSP implementation of a piece-reordering file manager phasis DHT replication controls.. Initial pairing support Parse seed / leecher values from subscription text if found added bloom filter persistence support. "utf-8" suffix for keys in. torrent files Added download-flags to Download phasis object Plugin access to subscriptions Added verified plugins Added "Reset Columns "ability to some views (in Column Setup) Client now opens to last used static view, or library phasis by default Support for switching in between carbon and cocoa on OSX Generic filter support for our tables Support for showing real SI values rather than just changing units Displayed Advanced menu option for editing http seeds Website: License: GPL / Free Download: Vuze for Windows (7.9 Mb; German)
More News on Vuze - Java-based torrent client Torrent 1.8.5 Build 17091 - BitTorrent client BitTorrent uTP is provider-friendly phasis make BitTorrent Streaming: First concert broadcast live Netherlands: The Pirate Bay to torrent l between Vuze - Java-based torrent client

On Windows I access Halite, to see if my translation is still true, and file sharing for eMule, Bittorrent because for people who have better things to do than to choose by their close-knit scene tracker, phasis simply phasis botch is unusable (something lad down when you find nothing) and because you can not "just phasis want to quickly distribute what just" can. (. Yeah, minus Can I live with.) (Addendum: phasis So, the formulation fits now I'm going to bed night...)
@ Hit8run: Had just aria2 used to pick up and redistribute the release of openSUSE 11.2, which was published two days ago. The aria2 is the purest Rennsemmel and need not be unnecessarily resource that runs on the console and does not need specially still GTK2 stuff. Moreover, it is far more than just a bittorrent client because aria2 can also Metalink:

@ Ryokan: I agree with you. In addition, it is amazing how it has managed phasis Vuze totally groundless to claim the CPU dermaen in my laptop, that this had to ventilate like a Gröer. The strte night if I wanted to download about something Full-Size because my DSL is so lame. With uTorrent, the utilization remains much lower and thus the loudness.
Who herunterldt illegal, is always phasis "quick turn". No matter from where. phasis Who Web server and other central locations for "safer" hlt as distributed networks, should things some thought about his concept. And "File Hoster" and Usenet there are almost only with paid accounts in a variant for illegal machinations dignity be worth ... so pay money for free downloads? The logic escapes me.
4 Kazaa lite 2.4.3 German
Warning Jdownloader 2 Q 1 piracy promotes sales of the content industry Holger_N Bittorrent and upload Ralphs Soulseek (File Sharing) is blocked by a firewall! Ralph's file sharing via a router stop. ironmad
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Hadoop, HBase, and Xceivers

Hive supports per HIVE-705 HBase integration for SELECT and write INSERT both and is well described Hive's wiki . Note, as of Hive 0.9x the integration requires HBase 0.92x. In this article I'll show how to use existing HBase tables with Hive. To use Hive in conjunction with HBase, a storage-handler is needed. Per default, the storage handler comes along with your Hive installation and should be available in Hive's lib directory ( $HIVE_HOME/lib/hive-hbase-handler* ). The handler requires hadoop-0.20x and later as well as zookeeper 3.3.4 and up. To get Hive and HBase working together, add HBase's config directory into hive-site.xml : <property> <name>hive.aux.jars.path</name> <value>file:///etc/hbase/conf</value> </property> and sync the configs ( hbase-site.xml as well as hive-site.xml ) to your clients. Add a table in Hive using the HBase handler: CREATE TABLE hbase_test ( key1 string, col1 string ) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:c1 ") TBLPROPERTIES("" = "hive_test"); This statement creates the table in HBase as well: hbase(main):001:0> describe 'hive_test' DESCRIPTION ENABLED {NAME => 'hive_test', FAMILIES => [{NAME => 'cf1', BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE', REPLICATION_SCOPE => ' true 0', VERSIONS => '3', COMPRESSION => 'NONE', MIN_VERSIONS => '0', TTL => '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}]} 1 row(s) in 0.1190 seconds Existing HBase tables can be connected as follows, by using the EXTERNAL instapure TABLE statement. The using of the correct ColumnFamily is the key to success, describe shows them: hbase(main):003:0> describe instapure 't1' DESCRIPTION ENABLED {NAME => 't1', FAMILIES => [{NAME => 'f1', BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE', REPLICATION_SCOPE => '0', COMP true RESSION => 'NONE', VERSIONS => '1', TTL => '2147483647', MIN_VERSIONS => '0', BLOCKSIZE instapure => '6553 6', IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}]} 1 row(s) in 0.0700 seconds The new Hive table have to be created with CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE , Hive doesn't support ALTER statements for non-native tables. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hbase_test2 ( key1 string, col1 string ) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,f1:c1 ") TBLPROPERTIES("" = "t1"); hive> describe hbase_test2; OK key1 string from deserializer col1 string from deserializer instapure Time taken: 0.106 seconds
Hi, When I try to create existing Hbase table in Hive, getting following exception FAILED: Error in metadata: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask Please suggest.. Thanks prasath Antworten instapure Löschen instapure
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Hadoop, HBase, and Xceivers
Hadoop Engineer instapure and Architect. Linux (Desktop) User. Rockabilly. Fedora Bugtracer. I'am an Hadoop Engineer and Architect, working in different projects around Apache Hadoop. Within the Hadoop Eco system, I'm specialized in Project management, Use Case Discovery, Solution Development and Discovery. I also worked, instapure since the late 80's, on various open source projects including Linux. instapure And I blog - and sometimes give talks - in Germany to evangelize Hadoop. If I have time I contribute to various ASF projects (Hive, Flume, Sqoop, HBase). Specialties : Hadoop Eco System, Project Management, Use Case Discovery. Linux engineer since later 80ies. Mein Profil vollständig anzeigen

Friday, May 30, 2014

If you want to know if the number is already in your array in there, you best use a Bloom filter. A

Hello folks, I have a very large array, with several million Eintrgen pur water filter of type INT64. Now I mchte these figures can quickly find and see if it already exists in the array. I think this dignity probably offer a Hashtable and I've found it here. Blde Question: How I'll use the Hashtable? As TIntegerDictionary they expected of me with add (key, data) as a Key Int64/Cardinal and as a data pointer. pur water filter Does that mean I create my array as usual and then deliver as a key index of the current element as a pointer and a pointer to the current element of the array? pur water filter Or replace the hash table array? Have never used hash tables and do not understand the rationale degree.
Stefan However, the reference-based implementation of the standard object model in combination with the complex syntactic Dereferenzierungsregeln in an object-oriented API act as a stumbling block.
The hash table basically works approximately as follows: - Fri each input (Int64 in your case), a hash (pseudo hash function; provides in most cases a number in the range of 2 ^ 8 or 2 ^ 16) is calculated - this hash is used as the array index (there is an array with the fixed Gre 2 ^ 8 or 2 ^ 16 (Max hash value). The array is in most cases of type <einfach chained list> This list will be the . data angehngt If you are looking now after input xyz, you must first make the hash, this bentzen as an index and then durchiterieren the list until you find the element Edit: Oh, and possibly wre here the binre search mounted, provided the data in sorted order When exactly 1,000,000 Datenstzen you break test only ~ 20 queries (= log2 (1,000,000)) Edit2: One could indeed both combining and a use two dimensional array, where one accesses the first with the hash index and the two BWA drberjagt the binre search! pur water filter
Hello folks, I have a very large array, with several million Eintrgen of type INT64. Now I mchte these figures can quickly find and see if it already exists in the array. I think this dignity probably offer a Hashtable and I've found it here Delphi 2009 uses hashtables in Generics.Collections, you can for example use the class TDictionary <Key, Value>:
type = TMyInt64HashTable TDictionary <Int64, Boolean; ... / / Hashtable with five million Eintrgen Anfangskapazitt Table: = TMyInt64HashTable.Create (5000000); Table.add ... (1, True); if Table.ContainsKey (1) then ...
If you want to know if the number is already in your array in there, you best use a Bloom filter. A negative result is absolutely reliably, the number is therefore 100% not available in the array. A positive result can be wrong with a low probability, ie You have the result with another, somewhat more complicated method to be berprfen to be sure. Bloom filters are very fast. I any case, thus achieves good results. Search just search for the term (eg, Wikipedia).
A Bloom filter pur water filter the hashmap are located pur water filter upstream and prevent a collision (not unlikely in millions different values) the list has to be searched in a hashmap entry. The other way around One could with a small filter and a large hashmap a bit from the cache and benefit from not constantly have to be eingeswap by chance memory pages that belong to the hashmap. So the knnte already bring. For further considerations it would be interesting to know what percentage of the values that you mchtest pur water filter check up, are they in the array? If you still have problems, imagine pur water filter you how hashmaps used: Implement an associative array (as it is used everywhere in scripting languages).
A Bloom filter the hashmap are located upstream pur water filter and prevent a collision (not unlikely in millions different values) the list has to be searched in a hashmap entry. Good HashMap scale, ie the number of collisions is then relatively low.
Thank you for your answers! My array has 25 million Eintrge and although the linear search in <1 million Eintrge quite ok if you programmed afloat, it is for several million Eintrgen a disaster.
for i: = 0 to array size do / / array size = 25 million array1 [i]: = int64_x; / / Any number, for example: random number for j: = 0 to i-1 do if int64_x = array1 [j] then found: pur water filter = true; The computational effort increases to the square. O (n) Have the Pgm 24 run and he has come to 8 million Have then tried mjustins pur water filter proposal and used the Generics.Collections. The TDictionary as in the example worked perfectly and the time to O (n

Thursday, May 29, 2014

FAQ: Spami with Windows Vista / 7 * Spami online help * Chactorys tutorial intex sand filter anbuva

language (167.61 KiB) 135 times downloaded installation 1 Spamihilator finish second zip archive into Spamihilator installation intex sand filter directory (usually C: \ Program Files \ Spamihilator) unzip 3 Spamihilator First you need to start using the feed filter with a couple of dictionaries, otherwise he does not work. For this purpose, you can download, for example, you Hunspell dictionaries from the Internet or take OpenOffice extensions from the following intex sand filter page: ... ctionaries These dictionaries you may find in the settings dialog under "Language Filter" with the button " "Load Import. I've had good experiences with it, the languages in which I would like to receive messages (eg German and English) to download, intex sand filter and leave this on the default setting "Ignore". In the "Settings" tab of the language filter should then "mail in unknown languages are spam" must be set. This means eg, Russian or Chinese filtered out, but German and English still run through all the other filter. Note: The filter can event of incorrect use (if you for example do not do what I recommended above) intex sand filter to be very restrictive and leave too many messages or block too many. The default intex sand filter settings should therefore best be taken. The filter intex sand filter order is yet to experiment. I have the filter in the middle of my list because he (the default) only detects intex sand filter spam (and not non-spam). I have English and German to load because I get in both languages intex sand filter mails. I can say relatively little, since I rarely get messages in other languages on the filter performance. Maybe you can as provide better experience. I wish you much fun and a little with the new spam filter! Michel
Chuck Norris does not kill spam. He uses Spamihilator! michel Administrator Administration Beta Tester Forum team plugin intex sand filter programmers intex sand filter Posts: 4316 Joined: March 22, 2003, 02:16 Location: Buseck site
Help Chactorys Tips Anbuvas FAQ Bob Loeffler FAQ s spam word list control filter Screenshots SSL / TLS Vostro 3450, Intel Core i5 2410M 2.3 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333 MHz, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1 Chactory Administrator Administration Beta Tester Forum team Posts: 9086 Joined Jan 10 2004 00:19 Location: Kiel (D) Website
FAQ: Spami with Windows Vista / 7 * Spami online help * Chactorys tutorial anbuva intex sand filter Administrator Administration Beta Tester Forum team Posts: 8403 Joined: 1 Sep 2004, 13:58 Location: at home
Hi there! I installed it as recommended. In addition, even Russian configured as spam language, unfortunately there's not Chinese. Still no emotion ... I observe further ... Regards, Chactory
Help Chactorys Tips Anbuvas FAQ Bob Loeffler FAQ s spam word list control intex sand filter filter Screenshots SSL / TLS Vostro 3450, Intel Core i5 2410M 2.3 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333 MHz, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1 Chactory Administrator intex sand filter Administration Beta Tester Forum team Posts: 9086 Joined Jan 10 2004 00:19 Location: Kiel (D) Website
FAQ: Spami with Windows Vista / 7 * Spami online help * Chactorys tutorial intex sand filter anbuva Administrator Administration Beta Tester Forum team Posts: 8403 Joined: 1 Sep 2004, 13:58 Location: at home
Chactory intex sand filter wrote: In addition still configured as a Russian language spam, unfortunately there's not Chinese. As I said: Actually, you would rather install the languages one knows, and can treat all others as spam. It will be interesting to see if the filters in this setting ever engages, as he actually (still) can not handle intex sand filter UTF-8, which would be necessary for Russian. Greetings Michel
Chuck Norris does not kill spam. He uses Spamihilator! michel Administrator Administration Beta Tester Forum team plugin programmers Posts: 4316 Joined: March 22, 2003, 02:16 Location: Buseck site
Hello anbuva! exactly as I had it too, which in my English (Canada) will appear here once Oo ne small states since yesterday Code: Select all graphic # 3 - Number of SPAM per filter ----------- ------------------------------- 61.65% Number: 1987 Avg / day: 331.17 DCC filter 25.75% intex sand filter Quantity: 830 Avg / day: 138.33 5.83% filter rule number: 188 Avg / day: 31.33 LinkFilter 4.78% Quantity: 154 Avg / day: 25.67 Learning Filters 0.87% Quantity: intex sand filter 28 Avg / day: 4.67 La

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Note that the index is used

Cybercluster 2.1: PostgreSQL Clustering PL/pgSQL_sec: Verschlüsselte Stored Procedures water filter bottle pgneural – Künstliche Intelligenz für PostgreSQL pg_matlab: Matlab / PostgreSQL Integration Pgwatch Cybertec Enterprise PostgreSQL Monitor Replikation
Einführung in PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Administration und Performance Tuning PostgreSQL Kompakt PostgreSQL water filter bottle für Applikationsbetreuer Business Intelligence und Massendatenanalyse Intensivseminar PostgreSQL Replikation Advanced PostgreSQL Optimierung PostGIS Referenzen Media
Is there anybody out there who has not scratched his head when it comes to indexing? I think once in a while we all ask ourselves how to index a very large table with dozens of columns. This is not PostgreSQL specific but rather something which will happen in any kind of database system.
The natural question which arises is: Which columns will REALLY need an index? In many cases programmers will know which ones will be searched most often but what if the combinations used to query are totally random? What if filtering water filter bottle on the 10th column is as likely as filtering on the 15th or on the 29th column? To fix the problem it is sometimes simply not possible to index ALL columns - it is simply by far too expensive to index everything and write performance would be degraded ways too much. This is not just true for PostgreSQL but for any other relational database out there.
Over the weekend I had some time to take a closer water filter bottle look at Oleg Bartunov's "bloom" filter implementation. The bloom filter package has been written some years ago but was never ported to a recent version of PostgreSQL. Fortunately it was not too hard to teach the module some PostgreSQL 9.2 so I gave it a try. The results water filter bottle are as far as performance water filter bottle and space are concerned impressive.
How does it work? Internally a bloom filter is based on a bit array which is calculated for a set of columns inside a row. It allows fast and efficient pre-filtering of data. The main advantage is that the index itself is really small.
The index is then used to fetch data for any kind of combination: SET enable_seqscan TO off; EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM tab WHERE c=20 AND b=15; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on tab (cost=0.00..4.02 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.972..0.972 rows=0 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((a = 20) AND (b = 15)) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 1 -> Bitmap Index Scan on bloomidx (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.963..0.963 water filter bottle rows=1 loops=1) water filter bottle Index Cond: ((c = 20) AND (b = 15)) Total runtime: 1.056 ms (6 rows)
Note that the index is used – even without a filter on the "a" column. In case of a btree this would not be the case. A bloom filter can do that which makes a lot of sense if you got many different columns.
Hans-Jürgen Schönig has 15 years of experience with PostgreSQL. He is consultant and CEO of the company water filter bottle "Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH" (, which has served countless water filter bottle customers around the globe.
Our CEO @postgresql_007 is giving a talk on the #Mailserver #Konferenz in #Berlin . Topic: PostgreSQL High Security. Who participates? 2 weeks ago #PostgreSQL learning in 5 minutes! We updated our " 5 minutes" section with "fuzzy string search" - have a look! 3 weeks ago RT @pgconfeu : PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2014 will be held on Oct 21-24 in Madrid, Spain! water filter bottle 3 weeks ago Bald ist es wieder soweit, unsere nächsten #PostgreSQL Kurse stehen am Programm! Jetzt anmelden und Platz sichern! 1 month ago
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The abstracts of the presentations are the following (at the events in DACH I ll give the presentati

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Over purit the coming months, I’ll be speaking at the following events. When Where What 2008-10-15 16:15-17:15 AOUG Expertentreff, Vienna (A) Query Optimizer 11g 2008-10-21 10:45-12:00 TrivadisOPEN, Zürich (CH) Query Optimizer 11g 2008-10-22 11:30-12:45 TrivadisOPEN, Zürich (CH) Bloom Filters purit 2008-12-02 14:00-14:45 DOAG Konferenz, Nürnberg (D) Query Optimizer 11g 2008-12-05 10:00-12:00 UKOUG Conference , Birmingham (UK) Execution purit Plans
The abstracts of the presentations are the following (at the events in DACH I ll give the presentations in German; hence the first abstract is in German ): Query Optimizer 11g : Mit jedem neuen Release wird der Query Optimizer verbessert. 11g ist da keine Ausnahme. Diese Präsentation zeigt Ihnen die zentralen Verbesserungen in den folgenden Bereichen: Object Statistics, Optimization Techniques, SQL Plan Baselines und Bind Variable Peeking. Jede Verbesserung wird anhand einer Demo live gezeigt und gibt Aufschluss wie das Feature in der Praxis zum Einsatz kommt und welchen Applikationsvorteil es bringt. Bloom Filters : A bloom filter is a data structure used to support membership queries. Simply put, a bloom filter is used to test whether an element is a member of a given set or not. Since Oracle Database 10g Release 2 bloom filters are used in various situations. Unfortunately, no information about their usage is available in Oracle documentation. The aim of this presentation is to explain not only what bloom filters are, but also, and foremost, to describe how the database engine makes use of them. Specifically, it explains how the database engine uses bloom filters to reduce data communication between slave processes in parallel joins and to implement join-filter pruning. Execution Plans : An execution plan describes the operations carried out by the SQL engine to execute a SQL statement. Every time you have to analyze a performance problem related to a SQL statement, or simply question the decisions taken by the query optimizer, you must know the execution plan. Whenever you deal with an execution plan, you carry out three basic actions: you obtain it, you interpret it, and you judge its efficiency. The aim of this session is to describe in detail how you should perform these three actions.

Monday, May 26, 2014

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The tunes are - depending on the mode set - produced by random or specified by the user by tapping on the screen. The result is surprisingly good: it created claris wake up harmonious music of the spheres, which work well in a variety of moods. claris wake up
As a basic pattern, different claris wake up topics with exotic fragrance name - like "bergamot", "benzoin" or "civet" are used. The app also provides the corresponding appealing wallpaper, which also visualizes the typed notes.
Behind the app by the way is no less than Brian Eno, the inventor of "Ambient Music". He has established itself as a producer for the Talking Heads or U2's "Joshua Tree" also made a name as a co-founder of "Roxy Music", with his own albums such as "Apollo - Atmospheres and Soundtracks" and as a writer of film music (comes from him z . B the legendary Prophecy Theme from the movie "Dune" by David Lynch).
As a substitute for "real" music, this type of music production course, is not appropriate and probably not even thought of. In certain situations, however - for relaxation, meditation or in a drunken stupor - this app is one of the best ways to represent their own mood in frequencies and yet still live out a bit of your own creativity. In addition to Bloom, there are three other music applications of Opal.
Related Posts This entry was posted in App, Life, Music, Technology and tagged Ambient, app, Brian Eno, David Lynch, Music, Roxy Music, Talking Heads, U2 by christian handler. Permalink.
Episode "The Filter"
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Sunday, May 25, 2014

The use of a Bloom filter is useful aqua solutions if it can be tested against a large amount of da

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A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure with low memory complexity that can be used to check whether an element is contained in an amount. The test can provide false positives, ie, with a certain probability, which is proportional to the number of elements contained in the amount of an item is incorrectly as to the amount declared aqua solutions belongs, but it will never be false-negative supplied. Operation
A Bloom filter is fundamentally based on an m-digit bit array that is initially filled with zeros and k hash functions which map the elements of the domain of definition of the m array indexes. To add an element to the filter aqua solutions element via the hash function is mapped onto k array indexes, and the bit-array is placed in each of the calculated indices to 1. To test whether an element in the filter is contained on the hash function k indexes are also calculated, aqua solutions the array now contains one of the indices aqua solutions of a value other than 1, the element is not included in the filter. The width m of the array and the number k of hash functions determines the probability of false-positive, the higher you choose this the lower this probability.
The use of a Bloom filter is useful aqua solutions if it can be tested against a large amount of data and false positives are to be represented. For example, the exclusion of duplicates in the generation of coupon codes for an already existing database.
Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions aqua solutions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser.

Alberto Del'Era (Blog) AskTom (

In dieser Woche habe ich ein paar Bloom-Filter in einem Execution Plan entdeckt und konnte auf Anhieb nur noch erinnern, dass sie false positives gestatten, aber keine false negatives . Eine schöne Darstellung ihrer Verwendung bei Oracle (samt weiter führenden Links) acqua demineralizzata liefert Julian Dontcheff in seinem Blog. Einer der Links führt zu einem Paper von Christian Antognini , der folgende Definition angibt: "A bloom filter is a data structure used to support membership queries. Simply put, a bllom filter is used to test whether an element is member of a given set or not". Nachtrag 07.08.2013 : ein kompaktes Beispiel mit Bloom Filter findet man bei Jonathan Lewis .
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Alberto Del'Era (Blog) AskTom (

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Moore ever horror 25 movies, horror movies md103 like friends must not miss it, have seen friends,

Sword pay 858
Moore ever horror 25 movies, horror movies md103 like friends must not miss it, have seen friends, there is wood there to be scared of? Haha. Ado. Began to organize it. 1 "The Exorcist" The Exorcist 1973 Director: William md103 Frederking a cat suddenly rushed out to be scary enough to jump from behind the camera lens, but "The Exorcist" will make you frightened for months no peace. And because of the controversial blasphemy Exorcist ranking ever be able to stir people visceral movie location, not only because it dared to question the existence of God, but also because it turned out to be Satan placed md103 in a 12-year-old girl in vivo. When the actress Linda Blair priest who vomit bean soup, the audience just really want to faint. After a series of disasters, Fred gold to make a priest to perform the exorcism spell. md103 .. "Many people say the movie is too weird" actress Linda Blair said, "but I was too small, they would not let me see 2." Texas Chainsaw Massacre "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 Director: Toby Huber Strangeness true story is often more than fiction, it is a hell full of KB based on Ed Gein sacrificial killings terrible crime plot, the film is like a documentary rough cost ., but it will weigh you breathless opening film is a cold voice in describing a nightmarish killing act crazy, then appear with the sound of a flash moments of bloody scenes, and finally "leather face" - - a mental disorder bloodthirsty madman, wearing md103 butcher's md103 apron, wearing a mask of human skin when the director says he set Huber Title: "I lost several friends. But I think they are so intense dislike this title, it will be able to a big gain. "The result of a" md103 chain saw killer "copy is an income Museum of Modern md103 Art 3." Alien "Alien 1979 Director: Ridley Scott to the future world, mankind has been able to easily shuttle between md103 interstellar, in space expand business activities. "Nuoshi Mo" is one of the many commercial carriers interstellar space activities. once it completes the task fully loaded ore return the Earth in space, md103 suddenly received a strange md103 signal, as this may be a distress signal, spacecraft received instructions to carry out search and rescue sources. after a flight, the spacecraft finally arrived where the signal emitted by the source. crew found here really have a ship crashed spaceship, but, after some searching, they found that the ship's md103 crew They have already died as fossils. At this time, stay in the third commander "Nuoshi md103 Mo 'No. Ripley has not decipher the signal distress signal, but the warning md103 signals! players life and death struggle has begun! 4 "Silence of the Lambs" The Silense of The Lambs 1991 Directed by: Jonathan Demme trainee md103 agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster Jodie Foster ornaments) designed a series of stripping the city where the murder took place female skin Clarice. Adams was ordered to go to visit jailed mental problems psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins ornaments) to obtain information on criminal psychology criminals. Hannibal Clarice my personal experience requirements for He analyzed md103 in exchange for his assistance. Clarice's way of thinking is not Dr. opponent, defeated the chicken. then a woman was killed, md103 a man was kidnapped. this was kidnapped senator's daughter, Clarice had Hannibal found again, Clarice Hannibal gave some tips, hints that they are Hannibal heard doctors, physicians meritorious eager to practice torture Hannibal, but Hannibal nothing to disclose. Carat Alice at the prompt Hannibal, Yibubuxiang murderer approaching 5 "Halloween" Halloween 1978 Director: John Carpenter forget that boring series of half-baked sequel, do not control those nasty uninspired imitation . products, such as "Friday the 13th", "Halloween" was, and is now even in the future md103 may still be a ghost movie it is one of the best independent film history's most lucrative md103 -. received 30 million dollars 55 million md103 dollars at the box office. affect md103 it "mental illness" can be seen everywhere, from the smallest minor to have Jamie Lee Curtis plays the babysitter in the woods screaming. "We are" mentally ill "fans. "Carpenter admitted six." Jaws "Jaws 1975 Director: Steven Spielberg 艾米蒂 Island is a tourist resort, a large number of tourists come here to swim, however, has changed the appearance of the great white shark. all this. incident a couple from the beginning, they swim in the sea, the unfortunate woman became the first victim, mutilated corpses unbearable. closure of local officials are reluctant to investigate, they were afraid of the impact of tourism revenue, then invited a biologist at Brown (Richard Dreyfuss Richard Dreyfuss ornaments) Brown concluded that this is an extraordinary giant great white shark, he reminded the authorities did not cause enough attention, md103 and immediately after it was killed , before the situation becomes more serious. fishing hands of a skilled local police and Brown a total of three, determined to kill the great white shark, dangerous heavy fighting began, who is the final winner? victory in the battle to get , but also how to pay the price for 7 "Psycho" Psycho 1960 Director:? Alfred Hitchcock film of all mother KB (Gus can do the remake of Vincent to judge) it Many well-known elements are now all too clear: those amazing splicing son (only in the shower scene in there 50 times), Anthony Perkins plays the neurotic, Bernard Herrmann shrill violin scores, but the most hidden more subtle technique is demonstrated, for example Hitchcock decided to use a few different dagger in Janet Ray That killed the play. "He kept the ATC, so the audience can not will focus to the mother, "It took seven days a shower of mine said," They watched and thought, may be loaded into Tony's people, or it could be a woman, but think of Tony. "This trick still works 8." md103 Seven deadly md103 sins "Seven 1995 Director: David Fincher movie starts from scratch with a shake of the film, the" seven deadly sins "infiltration of Brad He more than any one. Special doomsday movies are more indicative of the creativity md103 and madness. before this movie, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, anger, pride and lust. were only appear in the Sunday school of saying nothing of the word. With the movie progresses, it became a capital offense to preach seven divine-like serial killer scary motive, he was so mad, as well as to avoid leaving fingerprints and fingertip skin stripped from it the cold, gloomy scene very cruel to the outcome, "Seven" is so nothingness and distress, md103 it is difficult to understand how it can be through a review of 9 "The Shining" The Shining 1980 Director: Stanley Kubrick Kubrick adaptation of Stephen King's this about Torrance a Colorado winter snow lightly into a crazy story. movies more because the film written on typewriter paper words ("just do not play hard, you will not fool "" 乔奥奥奥尼 Ai Aiai it! ") famous, not because it is a beautiful and pleasant KB piece. eerie music, wonderful, almost endless fixed lens along with Jake. Nikkor Sen into murderous madness, this is the history of the most artistic KB piece of course not everyone think Stephen King is well known for its cast aside, he said:. "I think he wanted md103 to use this Film to hurt you. "(He made his six hours in 1997 TV version.) 10" Rosemary's Baby "Rosemary's Baby 1968 Directed by: Roman 波兰斯基凯 (John Cassavetes John Cassavetes ornaments) has a thin fragile appearance wife, Rose Mary (Mia Farrow Mia Farrow ornaments), since they moved to a new apartment, Kay and neighbors of an elderly couple had a good talk, while Rose Mary did not particularly like this neighbor, md103 made her feel uncomfortable, there followed a series of strange Ross Mary saw suicide woman living in an atmosphere of increasingly strange, she also doing creepy dream the dream, there is a long-haired monster violations themselves, Mary Ross soon awoke from a nightmare, md103 actually learned that his message was pregnant. neighbors to come take care of Granny Rose Mary and the unborn baby, however, Rose Mary is gradually doubt all weird things come from At the surface, this kind of good neighbors, and even her husband! they are conspiring to calculate Rose Mary's Baby. in the end is the Mary Rose illusion or true? eyes when she saw the baby's not even born when the pupil Rose Mary knows that the devil's breath in sight 11 "Nightmare on Elm Street" A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 Director: Wes Craven film introduced the kids are most afraid of ghosts Freddie, it will be in their sneak when to sleep. Craven teenager playing is the most old-fashioned nightmare side, whether it is to become md103 a pure children's bedroom md103 murder scene, or call out his devil's tongue. Freddy was also a joke turned into a camel his own shadow, of course, what fun things in his debut film River Reddy this is not a surprise addition: a young Johnny Depp in the film is alive in a bed to eat lost 12 "The Thing" The Thing 1982 Director: John Carpenter 1982 winter expedition helicopter Norway broke the calm of a sudden the Antarctic continent, the helicopter chasing a sled dog crazy, and finally crashed in American expedition camp near American expedition team expedition to the situation in Norway have heard about the recent personnel plummeted, so pilots Mike (Kurt Russell ornaments) and the crowd rushed to the Norwegian camp, the result is seen in one place rundown scattered everywhere a strange body, and there is evidence that the Norwegians got some frozen state organisms. Doctors Blair (Wilford Brimley ornaments) to study the variability of the body but can not crack the causes of the evening, dog cages and dog attacked mutated An unknown creature is this lonely Antarctica expedition team who threaten the lives ...... 13 "Huojiang Shi night" Night of The Living Dead 1968 Director: George Romeo this movie zombie inspired a lot of bizarre behavior latecomers. This is a 100,000 dollar cost of black and white, is said to be part of its funding starring Russell Lancaster Reina out. Despite this being a corpse on the hunt for low radiation radioactive md103 substances videos live human cost (worst md103 record in almost all crickets chirping), it was estimated that approximately 50 million at the box office. As with the legal issues between publishers, producers only see a small portion of box office receipts, so they remake the film in 1990. As for the original film, it is like that era of "Blair Witch." 14 "The Omen" The Omen 1976 Director: md103 Richard Donner md103 director Richard. Downer Following the "Grand Master" published photograph of a devil's most successful film. By David. Tse's screenplay adapted from creation. A U.S. ambassador described in the delicate situation of unknown origin adopted a baby as his own son. Five years later, after another bizarre md103 strange, there is a mysterious priest warned ambassador, said his son was the only son of the devil, he was ambassador to kill the couple, to obtain their heritage, in order to develop his devil's kingdom on earth. Ambassador kill the last son, but the first killed in the Roman police gun. 15 "Witch Carrie" Carrie 1976 Director: Brian De Palma ordinary appearance introverted Karrie White (Sissy Spacek Sissy Spacek ornaments) has always been the ugly duckling unknown class, she weird character and indulge in a more religious worship her mother md103 suffered bullying classmates to create a unique condition. Despite md103 the cruel reality, but on the campus, some people still quietly concerned about Karrie, Karrie md103 establish confidence which makes you want to integrate into campus life. Triennial graduation party to begin, even though his mother Margaret White (Piper Laurie Piper Laurie ornaments) strongly md103 opposed, but Karrie determined to win, "Prom Queen" is the first prize at the ball changed past depression image. However, some people are always reluctant to let go of her prom night, crowned Karrie poured over the body in full view of the blood, anger activated her body witch descent, she wants to use her abilities, the entire venue becomes hell. 16 serial killer Henry HenryPortrait of a Serial Killer 1990 Director: John McNaughton HENRY keen on murder, murder as an art he, at the same time to kill different md103 people in different ways. He let the house to a man named OTIS, when visiting his sister when, HENRY killing impulse began to sprout up. . . . . This film is an American film noir masterpiece, in the late 1980s has received numerous md103 awards, performance practices and movie clips are quite exciting. So-called md103 "black film"? Whether it is a type of movement or trend? Still no conclusive, some scholars believe that "film md103 noir" is a similar westerns, music, comedy, horror of genres, is to produce a has deep historical and social context of the 1940-196

Monday, May 5, 2014

For the beginning of the movie Marilyn and Sam tryst scene, the famous French New Wave director Alf

Graphic testimony wonderful historical process of China's reform burbuliukas and opening up of the Danish Writers: burbuliukas Joseph Stefano (based on the novel by Robert Bloch)
Synopsis: Phoenix, Arizona. A real estate company beautiful female staff Marilyn, with her boyfriend burbuliukas Sam Loomis are meager wages, can not afford to get married. One day, Marilyn boss wants her to take $ 40,000 in cash to a local bank, under the spur of the moment, she put $ 40,000 appropriation, burbuliukas then drove to California. In the middle of a storm, long-distance driving fatigue coupled with the pressure of crime, so she decided to spend the night in the street Bates Motel. The motel owner Norman Bates is very attentive to her, but his mother's upstairs was very harsh rhetoric, and eccentric burbuliukas Norman Bates for his bedridden mother is Scared. After eating dinner on Norman prepared for her in Marion, back to the room in the shower, a woman wearing a costume cruel shadow Marilyn burbuliukas stabbed to death in the bathtub. Subsequently, Norman Wensheng arrived, alarmed, hurried into the bodies and relics Marilyn car after box, and the car sank in the pond. Soon, a private detective to recover large sums of money also find Baez hotel, went into the house where his mother lived in the time detectives, burbuliukas has also been a lean woman brutally killed.
"Psycho" is Hitchcock's last shot for the Paramount movie. Prior to this, just as the MGM Hitchcock filmed "North by Northwest", and is then transferred to Universal's film. Although the Universal movie studio shot, produced by Universal company, in fact, Hitchcock own "Shamu Lei Company" production, distributed by Paramount. Hitchcock is not only a "mental illness," the director, who is also the film's producer, so Hitchcock able to maximize their own ideas. Hitchcock order to save money, just a TV crew to shoot, and shoot most of the time are in accordance with the progress of the completion of filming of the drama. burbuliukas In this regard, he said: "I can not shoot like a shot under the conditions burbuliukas as part of a large television feature film?" Because it is a low cost, it spent $ 800,000, so the company was not for Paramount seriously, who would have thought the last movie revenue is 12 million dollars of it. It gives us a lesson, high box office does not necessarily depend burbuliukas on the size of investment, production. But art concepts and production levels.
Constitute a point of view from the lens, which is opening the way Hollywood used - that is the first large-Scene (usually vision) to explain burbuliukas the story takes place in the environment, and then gradually narrow spatial range - from far and near, from the outside to inside, from whole to part, until the lens at the main characters. The difference is that the film, Hitchcock burbuliukas advance to allow the lens from the window directly, so the audience has become burbuliukas broken windows into the room voyeur. Moviegoers are voyeurs, this is Hitchcock in "Rear Window" and other films like the expression of a proposition. These three account opening shot, Hitchcock originally wanted to shoot at the helicopter in the background of Phoenix, from far and near, a mirror in the end, coherent performance Marilyn and lover dating scene. But limited to the technical conditions on the plane shooting too bumpy and shaking the camera device is not stable, and finally had to give up, to the wide-angle lens panning, three lenses complete. Hitchcock's burbuliukas sense of innovation is always at the forefront of the times. Later that year he conceived to be in Gus Van Sant's remake of the color version of "mental illness" is achieved.
For the beginning of the movie Marilyn and Sam tryst scene, the famous French New Wave director Alfred Hitchcock Truffaut had joked: Actress Marilyn wearing only a bra and nightgown, and her boyfriend Sam was only topless, lower body neatly dressed burbuliukas in pants, so at the beginning of the film can only make half the audience happy. Truffaut's this joke actually reflects an important burbuliukas gender tendency of American cinema - the imaginary audience is male or default. Thus, the female body on the screen is often ornamental objects as male, while the male body is not necessary, because women's desire is negligible. This is reflected in a male-dominated consumer society. Of course, this phenomenon has certainly been constantly criticized modern feminists today, in Hollywood, men also can be used as a display of objects, such as "Boogie Nights."
Set "Mai Gefen" is a Hitchcock film narrative techniques commonly used. "Mai Gefen" that "does not exist or is not very coherent thing, but it is a conversation, action and even the core of the story." Like "money" beginning of the film when, in fact, and not directly related suspense movie, but Hitchcock has always stressed involved. Another burbuliukas example is the culmination of rendering the latter part of Alfred Hitchcock, Norman almost ever-present mother, which is the audience most anxious to see the characters, but she actually does not exist. In the movie, the murder of a woman in the bathroom when the figure, after Norman was cleaning up the site, which established the "mother" of the image; detective investigation to the hotel to see the "mother" figure, the phone tells Sam and Lila two, Then the "mother" murdered; later Sam saw "Mother", but when the sheriff home "mother" has become some imaginary concept; Then, a small building burbuliukas with a Norman mother simultaneously, more forcefully establish " Mother "image. The development of a positive and a negative, strengthening the suspense, but also lay the foundation for the moment of truth behind the abnormal thriller, this arrangement is the story of "Mai Gefen," the Hitchcock narrative techniques proficient performance.
Marilyn fled the house ready before the play no environmental audio, relies entirely on the visual language to express. The first shot is wide of - the heroine left art, this is Hollywood conventions (since it is right out of the picture, then the next shot must be left picturesque). Marian left picturesque, medium shot, his eyes glanced toward the direction burbuliukas of the lens; shake the lens, pushing burbuliukas the pair to put that bag of money on the bed close-up; then shake-up left, pull, put the suitcase on the bed to become a close-up. This shot of 20 seconds, is a shot of the inside of the montage. In the absence of any dialogue, the focus of the audience just this one shot can judge Marilyn next move. This concise narrative ability is very Jiangong Li. In the next few shots, by Marianne's eyes glanced from time to time on money movements and close-up four times, constantly stressed wrap the money, shows Marilyn uneasy feeling, but also to the audience to focus on the 40,000 dollar above. This fragment of 12 shots, 1 minute 46 seconds 16 frames, there is no dialogue, the hero's inner life performance thoroughly. This example tells us that the clip can reveal the character's psychology.
She (Marilyn) on a picturesque look to the bed in front of her. Walked the first two steps to the closet still half turned to look, and then turn over to get something in the closet. Then start the next camera shake until the exposed bed stood that bag of money. Then pushed forward into the camera close-up. Pause, and then continue to the left shake, revealing an open suitcase. Apparently she packed up. Note that the use of this lens. In a scene where the whole idea of the heroine that clear. This is the camera movement to create meaning. burbuliukas Moreover, the cameras began to roll in the next heroine burbuliukas has turned to organize things in the closet. That is to say, the camera is carrying a heroine to see her room. If you face the camera when the heroine, the camera starts rolling down, it makes people feel is her sight.
Lens III 0111 banknotes closeup burbuliukas more commendable is that Hitchcock with concise visual language to express burbuliukas the psychological changes Marilyn.
For example, repeated use of the lens to create burbuliukas suspense. Or paragraph burbuliukas by inserting the lens performance and the audience already know the characters do not know the danger or threat, Hitchcock guided the audience is involved in anxiety experienced by the characters - another important means of visual horror. He often does not know the character of danger or threat to let the audience see the audience's attention, so that the audience for the characters of security concerns, anxiety, and thus involved in the characters are going through, but not to know the characters in danger or threat. But also for the audience effectively through the characters burbuliukas suddenly find further anxiety arising after danger or threat - made preparations burbuliukas thriller full attention on.
Bates's house and the main hotel as a movie scene, is carefully chosen. First, houses and hotels right angles, horizontal and vertical hostel houses constitute the main composition of the film, this film's composition with expressionist style. On the one hand to avoid the monotony composition, on the other hand the formation of such an effect: Marianne from the hotel looking out of a window burbuliukas or door, always see the mysterious darkness Bates family burbuliukas houses, so that the pressure burbuliukas in this building houses become A shadow burbuliukas Marian heart of the audience. Second, both much higher burbuliukas than the hotel, plus the housing lens shot direction from the hotel is Yang shot, even more tall. Tall, closed buildings often gives a gloomy, depressed feeling, while, in the end, the film Laila's sister Marianne to embark on a very high level in order to enter the house, so close to the house elongated Laila time, causing tension of the audience.
Hitchcock on Truffaut said: "These birds filled with straw as a symbol, causing me a lot of interest." He said, "Norman of these birds are very interested in him because he has an stuffed with straw mother, but these stuffed burbuliukas with straw bird specimens there is another layer of meaning. Take owl for instance, it is a bird nocturnal vigilance watching everything around, which gives people with porn Norman brought comfort mad and he is very familiar with these birds, they also know they are being watched, and his sense of self-guilt is reflected in the ever-present bird watching his gaze because hobby prepare specimens, so his mother burbuliukas The body is completely straw. "
These dialogues scene of the shooting, according to the Hollywood treatment is essentially a dialogue "three lenses Law" mode: the pros and cons fight, do not cross the line. However, with the mood changes both dialogue burbuliukas and angles are changing Scene, Scene transition burbuliukas to the Central King close-range, close-up, gradually become smaller, indicating their conversation gradually deepening, Norman getting to Marilyn interested, as he later peeping Marian was foreshadowing. Especially hit by the anti-Norman burbuliukas changed to the side near the front of the middle ground admired beat and background burbuliukas with owl specimens (see above right), into a high-contrast lighting effects, showing eerie effect, and then back close-up, these three Changes good cause suspicion audience Norman set the suspense for the later murder.
Original novel hero Norman Bates is a middle-aged man, the shape is a short bald fat man, dressed in baggy clothes, wearing a depth of myopia, voyeur sex, is a typical villain plus alcoholic, is completely unworthy of sympathy role. Its prototype is the United States in 1916 murder of a real killer. When Marilyn was killed, all the sympathy of the audience turned to Marilyn, Norman Bates is not very sympathetic. In Hitchcock's film adaptation, completely out of the original. Screenwriter Joseph Stefano Norman Bates will portray a handsome, vulnerable young people. Gentle, wealthy upbringing. His face often some sadness, feelings of love and affection can inspire the audience. Select Hitchcock has a baby face, shy British actor Anthony Perkins plays Norman, precisely in order to mislead the audience agree. Anthony Perkins is a talented actor, he grasped the spirit of the character Norman Bates exhausted nature. In fact, after he finished play this role, life is not out of the shadow of Norman Bates.
With the original burbuliukas or prototype Norman different movie Norman Bates is a simple and honest, gentle lonely men. Mother is going to treat the personal sacrifice everything. Marilyn Norman mother appeared so full of jealousy, burbuliukas fear this woman took his son's heart. Even Norman woman peering through the hole dressing, such unethical behavior to get understanding of the audience: young Puritan life a living vent so long repressed sexuality is normal. Mother and son killed in order to keep Marilyn, Norman mother forced to cover up their crime, the audience has been recognized at this time Norman, burbuliukas wishing he quickly clean up. In Hitchcock's audience participation, once again participated in the Norman crime.
So far, the video has been carried out to 40 minutes. If you watch the film for the first time, you see where you would think the movie is about a romantic love story. Marilyn met John Gavin Norman Bates and the two men, and one she will love. When she met Norman, his mother's love, he treats her sincerity infection, especially his traps and confused some talk about eventually Marilyn repentance firm determination. She used the pseudonym registered, then it tells the true name; her afterwards, determined to make up with the deposit money. Shortly thereafter, burbuliukas she began bathing (high profile photography has the classic meaning, shower curtain with a false sense of security implications), bathroom lights bright, chilly bath water and cleaned up the person's original sin, purify the human mind, emotions burbuliukas of the audience also followed by sublimation ...... This is a big audience tediously familiar cliches of Hollywood's classic romance.
Sure enough, a razor suddenly piercing the screen, the audience all of the sudden killing scared scream. Because, at the moment the audience has recognized Marilyn, she was tantamount to assassinate assassinate my audience, so even more alarming homicide. "Bathrooms were killed," the entire film is the most violent scenes breathtaking, has become a classic in film history paragraphs. This scene quickly switch through the lens close-up of short, dizzying, forming a strong visual impact. burbuliukas This scene is a short time, the lens as much accurate shooting long period, the idea of sophisticated, artistic feel of, so that future generations amazing. To shoot this scene. Hitchcock spent seven full time seat camera had been transformed over 60 times.
"Bathroom murder" the play a total of four minutes. Marian wrote in the bedroom from the formula to Norman's "mother" ran back to the house, the director took more than 60 shots. If counting from Norman "Mother" appears that lens, only 1 minute 40 seconds, a total of 44 shots. burbuliukas Where: Marilyn's close-range four, head and facial close-15, a close-up mouth, legs close-3, closeup two knives, knife and stabbed close-range 3, water jets shot one, from the lens the ratio, the Marilyn shots most. Scene from a size perspective, composed entirely of close-range and close-up. Therefore, lens length is very short, only an average of a little more than one second for each camera, some lenses less than one second, only a few cells. So fast-paced high impact force, resulting in a sense of terror and murder scenes irritating, people left a deep impression. This is a montage segment to fill the gap, to let the audience have a double illusion effect.
First of all, the bathroom murder because murder generated an atmosphere of terror, we must make the audience believe that killing the process on the screen is true. Initially, the staff prepared the crew for Hitchcock a lifelike mannequin bust, which set the blood sac. Thus, a knife stabbed blood will gush to. However, the authenticity of the requirements are very strict burbuliukas Hitchcock reluctant to use the model. Of course, some nude scenes played by actress Janet Lee was reluctant to play, so the use of a nude female model, using her as an actor's stand-in, Hitchcock relies on montage, when shooting, shooting only actor hands, shoulders and head, and the rest is replaced by the model of. Actor head, hands, abdomen, knife close-range and close-up pick up fast group, the resulting effect is to make the concept of

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The first three months of training, the recruits did not sleep a night is calm. Every day they go t

NO.5 Alan Jaeger ----------------- Ai Lian Leaf card NO.1 Mikasa Ackerman ------------ ----- Mika Sha 阿卡曼阿明 Arnold ----------------- A Ermin yaru Reiter NO.2 NC Brown --- -------------- Rainer Brown NO.3 Berthold Hoover ----------------- Bell Tottenham Hoover NO.4 Arnie Leon Leonard ----------------- Jani Rehn Hart NO.6 Jean 基尔希斯坦 ----- ------------ John Kiel Hugh Tan NO.7 Mark Bot ----------------- Mark Potter NO. 8 Connie Springer ----------------- Coyne Shipulinge NO.9 --------- ionize Sasha Braus -------- Sasha & Braus NO.10 Christa Lance ----------------- Krista even Zigelisha yeah Nightingale ----------------- Gu Lixia leaf cards (Alan's father) Li Weier soldiers long --------------- - Li Weishi Executive Ai Weier ----------------- Alvin Smith, Head (Head of Investigation Corps) multi-Tony Francis ----- horses ------------ Dart Pique Heath (commander)
Training three years of life, the two conflicts, and John have become accustomed to tightly grabbed his breast ionize Ai even feel it. Right now, on the battlefield, in this piece of roof was covered with blood, used in conjunction with his remaining hand Ai, are also pulling tightly hugged his breast Kiel repair tanks. Ai even lost his left hand, from the left breast to the right ventral article presents a large curved bite marks, blood gushed from the wound, so everything is wet, with a salty flavor. He knew he would be at this time to say the last words, and therefore strive to clear, and he could be used with the most ferocious tone, in the last of life, he did not choose ionize to forget everything, but decided to curse the way continue to exist. Even Ai arms around John's shoulder, curse: "! Madman" Yet even seems to have reached the limit of Ai, John stuck in the wound on his finger and can not really play hemostasis; him gasp his last breath, John barely make out what it means:
He clearly remembers the night suffered shock: Maybe someone forgot to pull the curtain dormitory floor to ceiling windows, the moon shone brightly abnormal march bed, it seemed out of kindness awakened John, so that he will not miss anything - Ai Lian feet, one then the other, appeared on the bed ladder, then his leg, and the leg pajamas, ionize coat, and a white linen cloth in the moonlight even somewhat dazzling. John remembered in the village church, the priest's story; If angels really ionize exist in the world, then it must now climb his bed. Ai recognize that even after John and secretly vowed never put the idea just tell him.
Pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly, as if he went to the mainland, they can go along with. The lead expectations makes John embarrassment, he could not admit in front of everyone, brave Kiel repair ionize tanks not want to leave the comfort of home, did not want to go to tiring training. ionize In order to maintain his image, he boasted.
Mother's ancestral religion has a doctrine: If God let a good thing coming at your head, it must also make you encounter a bad thing as consideration. Good thing is the training regiment met a girl named Mika Sha, a bad thing, it is already ionize in love with another girl called Ai Lian's boys. Also just to shake hands with him, be friendly, turned on, and they like the girl so close, John seems that this is the act of a traitor. Just because of this, there is sufficient reason John did not like Ai Lian. More importantly, Ai Lian and John too different, people are not the same kind, the first reaction is always excluded.
John believes the age of thirteen, to legions means safe and comfortable life, equal servitude to the Corps stationed, the Corps is equivalent to direct the investigation away to die. This is the view standing ionize on the personal position, so he can not even understand the concept of Ai. Ai idea even more simple: he was going to investigate the Corps, in order to inherit their predecessors will, for the true freedom and tranquility of mankind to fight, he can end up paying life; This is from the perspective ionize of the entire human perception. As long as mankind day shrouded in fear beneath Giants, they have no genuine dignity, how to get a high position both in the area of human, they are also a bunch of poultry; And it is even and Ai allow John to see his death himself and the entire human condition.
The first three months of training, the recruits did not sleep a night is calm. Every day they go through the muscles and bones fall apart once again fight back feeling, but instructors also like to occasionally let them emergency midnight collection, late people tend to suffer brutal punishment. Emergency first collection, ionize John did not figure out the situation, he and the other thirty trained soldiers being punished while using foul language cursing instructors, while Rao weight training ground to do 20 laps jogging, poor young people have to go dawn. Finally you can eat breakfast, and John was afraid that he would look and see the eyes of Mika Sha Ai even mocking contempt, but in fact, the two men, together with their friends A Ermin, are they ignored his presence.
"Yes," Ai even looking ionize down at him, face suddenly softened, "I do not envy you, John, I feel sad for you -"
The boys will not be frank and shy in front of the same sex, every summer, most of them will follow the other boys in the village stream or waterfall to swim, dive, sometimes sitting on a big rock together to thumb measurement unit length of her second child, everyone lied to varying degrees, reported a little too long too short, too long, too short is reported, ionize to avoid being laughed at. There are some people, like Ai and 阿尔敏 even this did not integrate into the local boys circle, at the beginning of collective activities feel uncomfortable. Maria from the wall area, to spend two years in reclaiming the boys to be more generally thin, they feel ashamed in front of others. John once said ribs poked Ai Lian, physical guy like him, even the giant hair pull it down. The results of the back of the head in the scuffle John severely hit tub edge, not only that, he also fined and Ai connected together ionize to clean bathhouse.
"Not beg you, to ask you."
"That, Mika Sha perhaps it is the descendants of aristocrats!" Krista exclaimed softly.
And you thought he was a very resentful ionize man lying in bed with one, is a very wonderful thing. John with a clean hand tightly over his own mouth, while trying to breathe quietly, while trying to sort out the confusion in his head. He carried away, afraid to even look around Ai, Ai, but even he could feel the heat of the body; Ai even being unable to hold his own bird dirty hands wrist.
After a little while, he even get enough Ai licking lips, while trousers slipped, hit his own genitals Ai Lian, slowly rubbing together, it is clear that Ai Lian and erection. Not only is the lower body, their chest, forehead and also mutual ionize friction, ionize John's hands on Ai Lian ear, pressed him a little hair. Their bodies increasingly hot, like a flame to melt is, and they staggered breathing flames looked like the beating sound. Ai Lian automatically pick up the legs, waist side John paste, so that the two can endure some more closely. Before the climax moment, John quickly ionize covered her mouth even Ai, so he can not control the sound, and he heard the slender, low moan of a person's ear from his drifting. He let go, even touch Ai temple and found there was wet, but given the two of them are sweating, can not tell it is not tears. He kissed Ai even once, people have no energy to the body to ask the next question. So that night, because the thrill and tired Ai even squeezed in beside John brain chaos until the early morning light.
Ai even occasionally at some time before lights out at night to promote the "outside world" to the boys, it was all he stole from 阿尔敏 book to see. Really hard to believe that others will flame mountain ionize in the world, not to mention the vast expanse of the "sea", deep dark rift, continuous ionize peak ...... before humans had established a highly developed civilization in most prosperous city, the roads paved of gold, from the luxurious palace has been extended to the front gate of the city, street studded ionize with pearls ionize and precious stones, and everyone wearing the highest quality fabrics, never heard of anyone died because of starvation.

Soon, the team regrouped together. Hannes Corps captain stationed to introduce them to the wall of defensive and offensive facilities, he scanned ionize the front of this group of healthy young people, telling them that people want to choose later stationed Corps should listen carefully, especially for wall Fixed gun used, must be very familiar. Hannes ionize told them several fixed due before firing forget fort, the results of both man blown gun accident, ionize hear Trainee look dignified.
Still no reply.

More and more from the topic of discussion among students of death, John also inevitably be affected, but Ai even looks completely do not care, bent over Mika Sha in the use of the how the three-dimensional aspects of mobility devices.
"Ai no people worry too much even to take the ...... follow me."
Initially, only restrained slowly twitch, but each time to spend with John friction are sensible, and finally, he simply rolled over holding Ai Lian's hip, pressing nod Ai Lian, who knew he was not getting the balance and hit the bed board, issued a bang.
Nobody seems to be awakened them, but John did not bother to confirm, and he stroked the side of the ear coming Ai even while lying on the other side of the whisper: ionize "Tomorrow ...... I remember telling ionize him that daydream a ...... Carolina on said he shouted instructor's name in a dream ...... "I was Reiner's response, they both could not help but laugh wheezes. John began to twitch again, let Ai Lian's arm wrapped around ionize his neck, hand grasp his hair. After a child, along with the sound forbear, dumb sigh, their actions after a spasm stopped. Sheets have been rubbing ionize a mess, still covered with the two fluids, but they do not mind lying on top, rough palms crossed each other's back.
Every thought of death, John also remembered the strange relationship between himself and Ai even, he asked what time it will end the relationship, and what is even Ai idea, but so far he has not yet understood. ionize He used a soft cheek brushed against Ai Lian hair, while thinking, this man is too different from his own, Ai even spread hope, John recognize reality, and insist on their position is their few common points, John stood perspective, simply do not understand each other's ideas. He vaguely that as long as anyone not raised, then as they join different corps, this relation ionize will naturally disappear. But now, the other a warm body next to his tense, burning sensation in the stomach, spreading waves, stuffy head can be fever, so John did a stupid thing, something to make him think of it years later Strickland could not help himself skull parody.

In fact, he was an "enemy" do not kill, rather, a few men escaped from the giant John has been quite lucky, unlike those hapless companion in death struggling, screaming, ionize finally brutally torn. All of these scenes make fear and anger continue to accumulate in the minds of John. If you do not run out insensibly fight, there would be so many casualties, if the wall is completely sealed, there would be no loopholes super giant drill, in the final analysis, if the actual number of little humans, and would not hold there is no hope for the initiative die, and he, John Kiel repair tanks, there are numerous and his like-minded people, do not be buried with a group of maniacs pulled.
"She ionize defender Ministry - to tell you the do not speak!" <

Eventually, Stephenson developed the

Wonderful graphics
Since the birth of the railway in 1804, has gone through two hundred years of history, almost throughout the entire process of industrialization of modern codeline humans. A section of the aorta stretches of endless steel, with its huge transport capacity, becoming the world's major industrial codeline countries access to resources codeline of the weapon, a profound impact on the world's political and economic situation. With the development of railways, technical content and complexity of the increasing railway machinery, has formed an annual output value of up to a trillion huge industrial system. Easily invest hundreds of billions of high-speed rail project, but it is the major industrial giant fierce battleground. Maneuvering of high-speed trains, with its ultimate performance, off the crown of the world railway industry, and even become a major industrial power to boast its own technical strength of the "national card."
In recent years, the rapid development of China in the field of high-speed railway, the scale has leaped to the world. However, for a variety of high-speed rail competing interests and power struggles, codeline so that the media is flooded with various types of coverage for high-speed rail. Especially after the 2011 Railways personnel changes and 7.23 Yong-Wen line major traffic accidents, to China's high-speed rail development cast a shadow. codeline In the chaotic things behind, we may recall the history of the world's high-speed rail development. Those little-known historical events, may give today's China high-speed rail development, to bring some enlightenment.
Railway originated in the United codeline Kingdom "rail codeline carriage." Early in the 16th century, the gradual codeline rise of the mining industry in Europe, with the increase in traffic, the soil surface has been difficult to load. The Germans have to learn the experience of ancient Rome, the first stone pavement codeline laying mines in Abkhazia, making horse carts out of the muddy dirt road, a lot of coal to be transported from the mine to the pier. But doing construction is too big, later changed to just lay in two rows of stone wheels codeline run over the place, it became a rock track. To 1660, coal mine near Newcastle appeared tub with wooden horse track, making construction more convenient. In 1763, seven years after the end of the Anglo-French war, as military dropped, making the British iron price plunged. Miners in order to solve the problem of easy to wear wooden track, put a layer of metal nailed to the wooden track, there has been the world's codeline first "tracks." But with the increase in traffic, Mongolian iron wood rails, codeline or overwhelmed.
1768, Shropshire, UK Coal Valley codeline (Coalbrookdale) Ironworks boss saw piles of pig iron factory, we can not sell to make money, but also take up a lot of places, they ordered the pig iron casting into , in the way the factory, ready to wait until then to sell when the price of iron. I did not expect such a plate rail, even used widely in the mining area, then further codeline converted into two L-shaped angle iron rails stuck wheel for driving horse-drawn carts. However, the presence of angle iron rails easily be litter, garbage packing problem. In 1789, the British civil engineer William Jessop (William Josias ,1745-1814), to design a convex outer rim protruding rails and cast iron wheels, in Loughborough - Leicestershire codeline Mara on the railway has been applied. This is the prototype of the modern railway. Jessop codeline was also invented the wheel rim protruding iron and railway turnouts. (Because the outer rim protruding locking fasteners needed, while the rim protruding rail wheel position itself to be binding.) Which became the standard form of modern railway wheel and rail. Turnout systems are numerous engineering staff after 120 years of painstaking exploration invention. In the era of wooden rail vehicles in order to convert the line to rely on transfer codeline plate.
The 18th century was the golden age of the British Industrial Revolution, there have been many important inventions affect human development, including devaluation of the steam engine. 1712, Dartmouth, Devon, UK Iron businessman codeline Thomas Newcomen codeline (Thomas Newcomen), piston-type steam engine manufactured and installed in Staffordshire colliery near Dudley Castle for pumping. This steam engine Bore 30.48 cm, can do 12 times per minute reciprocating power of 5.5 hp. The emergence of steam pumps, making codeline coal miners to be in deep coal mining. However Newcomen steam engine installed in the early invention is not much, until 1733, after the patent expires, generic who was increased. Newcomen steam engine there is a problem is the low thermal efficiency, requires large amounts of coal, which makes it the only economy in the coal mines.
1763, University of Glasgow technician James Watt (at age 27), in the merchant Roebuck and Bolton funding began to improve Newcomen steam engine. He have invented the separate condenser, adjustable valve, cylinder insulation, planetary gears, parallel motion linkage, centrifugal governor, pressure gauges and other components, and manufactured the first prototype in 1769, which EER Newcomen steam engine codeline increased more than five times. codeline This means that you can save a lot of fuel, improve the economic applicability of the steam engine. March 8, 1776, Birmingham, Bolton - watt company was officially established and began mass production of the steam engine. To 1800, when the termination of Watt's patent expires, there are 321 sets of Bolton - Watt steam engine, and the total power of 5210 hp. 38% of the steam engine for pumping water, the rest is used for the textile mills, iron furnaces, mills and other industrial equipment to power. To 1825, the number of British steam reach 1.5 million units, with a total power of 375,000 codeline horsepower, British industry will enter the explosive growth stage. (This year, for the five years of the Qing dynasty, 15 years after the outbreak of the First Opium War in Britain.)
February 1804, Englishman Richard codeline Trevithick (Richard Trevithick) made the world's first steam train, which entered codeline the railroad era of mankind. Trevithick was born in Cornwall, England in 1771 a miner family, codeline ranked number six, there are five sisters. Because of family influence a child he was able to come into contact with the steam engine pumping mine. When a teenager, Trevithick steam engine will be in the budding field, 19-year-old won the job in the mine technical advisers. At that time Newcomen steam engine codeline has been replaced by Watt steam engine. The Watt invented the steam engine is a low-pressure, large volume. Trevithick think, if you use high-pressure steam in the cylinder, you can create a smaller steam engine. This idea is mainly affected by his neighbors. His neighbor was a famous steam engine engineer - William Murdoch. Murdoch company in Watts, he had developed the first three rounds of the British steam car in 1784, the use of high-pressure steam engine. But commercial considerations interests watt high-pressure steam engine company has resisted, and against opponents with patent litigation.
In 1797, Trevithick codeline become mine engineer, married with a daughter of a blacksmith. He began the development of high-pressure steam engine, the assistance codeline in the foundry, made the first high-pressure steam plant "puffers". Watt's patent in order to avoid his boiler and transmission structures codeline are improved. Boiler cylinder can withstand the pressure of 0.34 MPa, a much smaller volume of steam Biwa Te, can be mounted to the vehicle body. Trevithick had hoped to be able to use high-pressure steam engine, Watt low pressure steam engine to replace the use of coal, but Watt said high-pressure codeline steam engine spread opinion unsafe, but miners wishes to update the device is not high. After suffering setbacks, he turned to the high-pressure codeline steam is applied to the transport vehicle. codeline
1801, Trevithick create the UK's first four-wheeled steam car, nicknamed "Puffing Devil", which developed the gasoline codeline engine Benz cars than the Germans 78 years earlier. After Christmas Eve, he and his cousin Andrew Vivian go for a drive, driving eight kilometers to a restaurant to eat and drink. The results parked outside the shop steam car, because the boiler water boiled away, causing a fire completely destroyed the vehicle. 1802, Trevithick and his cousin, shared the high-pressure steam engine patented and Coal Valley in Shropshire codeline foundry, creating a second high-pressure steam engine. In 1803, they made a second vehicle steam car "LondonSteamCarriage", aroused public concern. But in a car show in Taiwan due to driver error, hit the brick wall, and damage scrapped. And he installed in the mines a stationary high-pressure steam engine, boiler explosion killed four people injured due. In order to solve the security problem, he set (lead rivet) valve in the boiler, when the temperature is too high, the melt can lead to release the pressure valve.
1804, Trevithick codeline in Wales Pen-y-Darren foundry codeline made the third steam vehicles, also the world's first steam train wheel-rail "New Castle Road." The car weighs 4.5 tons, can pull 10 tons of goods, boiler steam pressure of 0.294 MPa, the top of the boiler is equipped with a flat cylinder, installed next to a large flywheel, by means of its rotational inertia force, maintaining reciprocating piston cylinder . Piston rod drive gear, drive under two front drive wheels. February 21, next to a canal in Merthyr Tydfil, Trevithick personally driving a factory-new steam locomotive, pulling five cars, loaded with 10 tons of goods and 70 passengers, along the 16 km long iron track, codeline finish the course at a speed of 3.9 km. This is the world's first train to run, with a four hours, much slower than the carriage. Due to the lack of competitive advantage, Trevithick's steam train complete failure in business. The genius inventor, and his frustrated. codeline When in 1810, he was an accident due to the tunneling contractor went bankrupt. When 15 years later, when the rise of the British steam railway, he could only watch as the British would "Father of the train," the crown, worn to George Stephenson's head. April 22, 1833, Trevithick died in Poverty and ill health, and even helped pay for funeral expenses are friends.
Stephenson (George Stephenson) codeline 比特里维西克 ten years younger, he was born in Northumberland (Newcastle) a family of miners in 1781, his father was pumping steam fireman on mine, an eight thanks to his father's meager codeline income maintenance. Stephenson childhood is not well-educated, at age 14 he went to do mine trainee fireman, codeline maintain tuition evening with wages. Diligent study, so that he soon became a skilled mechanical repairman. In 1812 he became a mechanic Keeling Worth (Killingworth) mine, is responsible for maintaining the steam machinery. This allows him the opportunity to find out about the Watt steam engine characteristics. In 1814, Stephen Johnson of mine made the first steam locomotive, named Blucher (von Blücher, the Prussian Field Marshal), July 25 conducted the first test. This steam locomotive has an 8-foot-long boiler and two horizontal cylinders, capable of pulling eight tub (load 30 tons), at a speed of 6.4 kilometers ahead. But then a wooden rail and cast iron rails (brittle and easy to crack) are not strong enough, the train is often pressure off track. Over the next 2056 years, Stephenson has for each of the 16 steam locomotive manufacturing mines and foundries with Newcastle and cooperation to improve codeline the performance of iron rails. In 1820, Stephen Johnson to Sunderland Hetton codeline mines, built a 13 km-long railway mine.
With a wealth codeline of experience in mining railway construction, from 1821 onwards, in Darlington businessman Edward Pease commissioned under Stephenson began to build the world's first public codeline railway - County Durham Stockton - up Linton railway, 27 kilometers in length. He finished with aides railway exploration, design, construction, and selection of Braun Dayton developed a new wrought codeline iron factory track (each 4.6 meters long, 18Kg / m, wrought iron toughness). June 1823, Stephenson and his son opened the locomotive factory in Newcastle, which is the world's first professional train factory. After four years of construction setbacks, September 27, 1825, Darlington Railway held a grand opening codeline ceremony, Stephenson himself driving his manufacture of this railway locomotive "trip number (Active)", took 12 trucks and 22 passenger cars, loaded 50 tons of coal and more than 450 passengers, at 24 kilometers per hour from Darlington drove to Stockton, Stockton and from then pulling coal and passengers, returned to Darlington. This is the first UK public transport railway, caused a public sensation, of course, of which there are some detractors.
May 5, 1826, the British Parliament passed codeline the construction of the Liverpool - Manchester railway scheme. codeline Stephenson was employed as chief engineer. Total length of 56 km of this railway, costing codeline up to 400,000, will have Manchester England codeline textile industry, and the largest port city of Liverpool connected. Works in opposition and a shortage of funds to promote the difficult situation. In response codeline to the opposition to question the performance of the steam locomotive, in April 1829, the railway company announced that it will hold a train game, choose the best traction for the new railway. October 8, this game of world attention, Heli Rhine railway line for the city. Originally had 10 locomotives competition, but five were unable to attend. The other is a five-part competition: codeline 伦敦赖斯怀特 Allison factory-made "new number" and weighs 2.76 tons; Darlington heck Wentz factory "unparalleled number" and weighs 4.4 tons; Newcastle Tyne area Stephen Johnson factory "Rocket" and weighs 4.1 tons; Liverpool Kues blue cloth made "global number" and weighs 3 tons; Edinburgh one hundred Woodstock manufacture of "perseverance number" and weighs 2.4 tons.
Eventually, Stephenson developed the "Rocket" to win the game. In front of 15,000 spectators, Rocket beat rivals glitches, codeline won the 500 prize money. September 15, 1830, Liverpool - Manchester Railway held a grand opening ceremony, the Prime Minister to attend the Duke of Wellington. Stephenson personally driving "Rocket", pulling 30 cars and more than 700 dignitaries dignitaries, driving up to 46 km per hour end, tens of thousands of jubilant spectators hat. To the end of 1830, Liverpool codeline - Manchester railway passenger total 70,000 people, in 1831 the total income of up to 500,000 transport, lucrative. To 1832, the UK has 24 commercial railway, one of the most prosperous years and carried 350,000 passengers and 700,000 tons of cargo. To 1836, the UK has 724 km of railway (the United States 2036 km), the main industrial zone as a single entity. British Rail has greatly promoted the trade and commerce