Monday, January 20, 2014

Nearly all fuel-saving suleyman magnificul ep 20 products circulating in Indonesia is a kind of mag

Priyadi's Place Blog Archive Critical Review Of Fuel Saver Tool
Over the years, EPA-an agency that one of its functions is to perform fuel efficiency testing products cars sold in the United States, suleyman magnificul ep 20 trying to evaluate the products that claimed to be able to conserve fuel. The conclusion of the evaluation results can be seen in the "Gas-Saving" Products: Fact or Fuelishness? on the FTC website, an organization that aims to protect consumers in the United States.
"If indeed the fuel saving devices can save fuel up to tens of percent at a price that only a few hundred thousand dollars, then why the car manufacturers that cost up to hundreds of millions of dollars are not complementary products suleyman magnificul ep 20 vehicle with such a device?"
Engine modifications. All products are tested to demonstrate the fuel savings ..
In Indonesia, the products are widely sold in the category of fuel additives, magnets are stored on the fuel line, and possibly metals stored in the fuel line. According to the EPA, the product of the three categories of products none of which showed fuel savings.
Nearly all fuel-saving suleyman magnificul ep 20 products circulating in Indonesia is a kind of magnet, perhaps because the price is cheap, easy installation and requires no maintenance. Therefore, I will focus my discussion on this type of fuel saver.
Magnet applications for fuel savings also have earned at least six U.S. Patents: Magnetic Fuel Line Device, patent number 4,572,145 Electromagnetic device for the magnetic treatment of fuel, patent number 5,829,420 Fuel activation apparatus using magnetic body, patent number 5,671,719 suleyman magnificul ep 20 Fuel combustion and magnetizing apparatus used Therefor, patent number 4,188,296 Permanent magnetic power cell system for treating suleyman magnificul ep 20 fuel lines for more efficient combustion and less pollution, patent number 5,124,045 Fuel treating device, patent number 4,461,262
The oldest patent was made in 1978, while the youngest in 1996. But if the patent application means these products are administered according to claim? Apparently not, many bogus patents made a convincing origin of the language but it can not be verified. An example can be easily seen on sites such as Patently Silly, Patently Absurd, and IP Funny.
Claims magnets can save fuel also one of them. Recent cases in the United States is the Super FUELMAX in 2005. According to the EPA, FUELMAX claims fuel savings of 27%.
The Super FUELMAX is described suleyman magnificul ep 20 by the manufacturer as a set of two magnets made with neodymium blendingâ â œa . The Super FUELMAX is intended to be installed suleyman magnificul ep 20 in either cars, trucks or boats; either gasoline or diesel-powered. The device is fitted around the fuel-delivery pipe to the engine. The manufacturer claims that ... â this results suleyman magnificul ep 20 in more complete burn [sic], thereby saving fuel and reducing emissions.â Instructions Accompanying the device suleyman magnificul ep 20 claim of an increase of the fuel-mileage up to 27%.
Finally, the FTC requires manufacturers to charges of lying to consumers FUELMAX. FUELMAX finally admitted that his claims did not correspond with the reality. Unfortunately, in Indonesia you could say there is no institution that can effectively control frauds like this.
Tony Cains-an engineer who dwell in the field of fuel economy over the years-creating a web site that contains a description of the fraud in fuel savings tool. According to him, the magnets only significantly affect things that deliver electricity.
People have been claiming miraculous effects from magnets for Hundreds of years. When considering these claims, bear in mind a simple physical fact: magnets only Things That Significantly Affect conduct electricity. So magnets can Affect suleyman magnificul ep 20 metals, water and even the human body. But the only effect on a hydrocarbon fuel is the massively Weaker "diamagnetic" influence. This would cause an extremely slight tendency of the fuel to move away from a magnet, but is highly suleyman magnificul ep 20 unlikely to have any effect at the molecular level.
Some devices claim to "align the fuel molecules". But the molecules are vibrating at high speed all the time, just as in any liquid. So even if they were aligned in the magnetic field, they would "unalign" straight away when they passed the magnet, and so would be back to normal when they reached the engine. And where are the experimental results show that the roomates molecules are "aligned"? How can the makers claim their device works in a particular way, without any evidence to show that this is really happening?
Some magnet devices suleyman magnificul ep 20 do not actually admit that they use magnets, Because

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