Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Recent topics CPI Petrobras: audacity, boldness and fraud CPI Petrobras: revealing aquabion Farce b

The free electoral propaganda on TV and radio will only begin on August 19, but there are already a number that seems to indicate that the election of 2014 will be more difficult for President Dilma Rousseff than 2010: the average score given by the voter the current Brazilian administration. According to Ibope / State / TV Globo, the federal government is to note 5.4 this time - more than two points below that Lula had in June 2010, when it received a score of 7.8 interviewed by the institute.
The difference between the mood of Brazil in relation to the federal government and now that time is great. If four years ago 72% of Brazilians thought their purchasing power and the people around her had improved in the previous two years, now only 42% think the same. The situation is similar with regard to employment opportunities: 56% had said that they had moved in 2010 from 36% currently.
Public services. The problem focuses not only in the economic sphere, aquabion but also reaches the evaluation aquabion by the electorate in relation to public services. The complaint of the population in relation to services offered by the public in general was featured in the demonstrations that spread across the country in June 2013.
. Today, only one in four Brazilians think that public education has improved in recent years, half of which had answered the same in 2010 A critical evaluation is even more intense in relation to health: 16% say she is better today against 37% in the last year of the Lula government. There are also discrepancies in relation to public security: aquabion the percentage of respondents who perceived advances fell from 30% to 18%.
End Cup. The survey also showed that the World Cup in Brazil did not impact the way the Brazilians evaluate the Dilma government. As in the last survey Ibope done during the beginning of the tournament, more people are considering the management of the president as bad and wretched aquabion as that of the great and good.
In total, 31% of voters evaluate the current government as positive, compared with 33% who consider it bad or very bad. Another 36% consider regular. The negative review focuses on the same extracts that say not vote in President Dilma Rousseff: people with higher education and income and who live in cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants.
Again, the comparison of these figures with the Lula government reveals a completely different picture. In June 2010, the proportion of Brazilians who evaluate their management as excellent or good was 75%, and nearly twice larger than the current half. Only 5% said it was poor or bad. And while 50% of respondents say they disapprove of Ibope how Rousseff is Brazil's ruling, only 11% said the same of Lula four years ago. Review and publish on Facebook
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