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Filter configuration kangen is possible kangen via the Device Configurator, the position in the Ethernet Onboard Communications.
Window filter list contains fields for entering the address and mask along with a description. This allows kangen you to define whether a particular IP address, but also the entire range of addresses. The list can be up to 32 such entries.
Adds a new authentication mechanism for FTP connections and the "FTP over HTTP" (FTP over HTTP). This mechanism greatly simplifies the process of uploading the data to the controller of tools such as Web-Editor. Instead of a password Web-Editora, user name and password FTP, just now specify an access kangen key defined in the Device Configurator driver's properties.
FTP server, built in driver now supports the connection in passive mode. This mode is defined on the client side of FTP and does not require any settings on the controller side. Passive kangen mode is used especially when connecting from behind firewalls. The new system kangen functions
System functions convert kangen time from / to Unix format CSF S.SF.CLOCK.Library S.SF.CLOCK.ConvertStdTimeToUnix; Convert date and time stamp in Unix format Year, 1 R | K IN, register / Month containing solid year, 2 R | K IN, register / day containing solid month, 3 R | K IN, register / day containing solid Hour; 4 R | K IN, register / constant containing the hour-minute, 5 R | K IN, register / Second containing solid minutes, 6 R | K IN, register kangen / constant containing a second unixtime; 7 R OUT register which will be entered in a time stamp Status; 8 R OUT Status
CSF S.SF.CLOCK.Library S.SF.CLOCK.ConvertUnixTimeToStd; Converts a time stamp in Unix format for date and time unixtime; 1 R IN, Activity log contains a time stamp in Unix format Year, 2 R OUT register which will be entered in year Month, 3 R OUT register which will be entered in a month Day, 4 R OUT register which shall be entered the day Hour, 5 R OUT register kangen which will be entered at Minute, kangen 6 R OUT register which will be entered in minutes Second, 7 R OUT register which will be entered in a second status; 8 R OUT , Status
System functions to encrypt / decrypt using AES128 CSF S.SF.SYS.Library S.SF.SYS.AES_128_Encrypt; Encrypts data using AES 128 Key; 1 DB | X | R IN, 128-bit encryption key (16 bytes) Data; 2 DB | X | R IN, data encryption K 16; 3 R | K IN, Number of bytes of data to encrypt Encrypted_Data; 4 DB | X | R OUT, encrypted data as an array of bytes Error; 5 R OUT, error code
CSF S.SF.SYS.Library S.SF.SYS.AES_128_Decrypt; Decrypts data using the AES 128 Key; 1 DB | X | R IN, 128-bit encryption key (16 bytes) Encrypted_Data; kangen 2 DB | X | R IN, data to decrypt K 16; 3 R | K IN, Number of bytes of data to decrypt, it must be a multiple of 16 bytes Date; 4 DB | X | R OUT, Decoded kangen data as an array of bytes Error; 5 R OUT, Error Code Extension service kangen Modbus
Added was the ability to stop the server kangen is running Modbus TCP / IP. Supports Modbus RTU / ASCII OFF has been available in previous versions. For TCP and UDP is now possible from the code level Instruction List. Mapping interrupt inputs in the drivers PCD3.Mxx60
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