Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Meanwhile, some portals automobiles with analogous shameful

Diesel particulate filter (DPF from ang. Diesel particulate filter or FAP from fr. Filtre a particules) is a filter that allows purification of exhaust gases of diesel engines eurowater from most of the harmful particulates. Without DPF diesel engines do not meet the strict emission standard Euro 5. Meanwhile, more and more drivers removes those furnishing: because it is cheaper and easier ... for the drivers themselves.
DPF Delete this behavior reprehensible, ethically can be compared to smoking in the furnace waste. But the driver eurowater did not see this as a problem, just throw something on ekoterrorystach and łupieżcach of car companies. Have you ever seen a newspaper, or portals that doradzałyby burning garbage, because eurowater it generates savings due to reduced fees for garbage collection?
Meanwhile, some portals automobiles with analogous shameful "profits" they write quite openly and even encourage it! No one checks that the car, which, according to the documents should have a DPF actually have them. Meanwhile, the same dealings elimination DPF diesel cars seems to be a universal eurowater ...
The practice removing DPF calls into question the idea of zones of reduced emissions of disposable eurowater labels on the model of German. eurowater Equally helpless against this phenomenon is the idea of the Deputy eurowater Speaker province eurowater Wojciech Kozak (PSL). With both solutions the driver could afford eurowater to buy a newer model used car with a diesel engine with DPF, to get a green sticker ... It is a lifetime, so after gluing the driver can filter particulates in practice with impunity removed. Nobody will check the permissions will be ... proposing to implement any solutions dust from abroad, remember that they do not necessarily check with us at the present ecological awareness of Polish drivers.
1982 born in Krakow Plaszow, Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical University of Cracow. Linked with the Association of Krakow City Bike, and the Association of Space-People-City. eurowater First publication on ibikekrakow: 17 March 2010 Interests: - Bike BRD (education, combating myths SEWIK) - move upstream (animator of the "bike legally under current"), - the carriage of children, - education ws pollution - promotion Krakow shortcuts, bike my means of transport - trailer, cargo bikes, bike shopping, bike and trade - bikes in numbers, statistics, - sustainable transport (budget), - opposition to the promotion and compulsory helmets, - change the rules for intoxicated cyclists - parking policy (including paid parking, parking, and trade), - public transport,
Mr. Adam. I suggest you ride the car. For pleasant it does not belong. 1 It is advisable to periodically eurowater burn the filter by driving faster than the speed force in the city. For a long period of time. Where does this driver do? In the city? Or maybe a ride out of town just to burn the filter? And then completely aimlessly emit more gases. 2 How not to burn out the computer starts to burn more fuel to somehow clean the filter. Combustion increases, emissions rise. How it works? 3 In time, however, the filter becomes clogged and need to do it mechanically. The cost is huge and several times a year. 3 Unfortunately, the EU's so forced adherence to standards that manufacturers prefer to let underdeveloped filters and drivers. As a result, these cars have serious problems that can be solved temporarily on the site. Costs, lost time, wasted fuel, emission increases.
1 Well, but so what? What do I care, I want to breathe clean air 2 It could start to speak directly that car with DPF are not designed for city driving. That check, for example. For a sales representative who regularly does in Poland in the field one thousand eurowater kilometers, and for him to burn the filter for any resident service road is not a problem. And drivers who drive in cars with DPF in the city you just have to control pain. Or they will have a smooth DPF, or let the car sell and buy benzyniaki.
1 I understand that a vehicle with dpf filter-blow in the city and burning more fuel stink less than the vehicle without dpf'a. 2 So what? May prohibit driving around town with dpf'em? Because how will ride with dpf'em it, and so will be more poison than those without dpf'a.
1 The least stench benzyniak so if you can not ecologically Wear diesel is do not drive into the city 2 Ad 2 In Berlin, the situation is clear. Diesel eurowater without DPF will not go through eurowater the center. You can see the Germans do not know ...
1 Yes Sir Adam. I suggest you check these standards and not ridicule. Diesel better in three relationships, eurowater one is equally and one loses. But gasoline less stench of principle. And if I let farts more harmful than cars because I eat GMO is too have not come to town?
They drive the car with dpf, French DPF is cool. Sometimes eurowater I dopali (Just by riding

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