Friday, May 2, 2014

Luo Yuan, who read this blog for quite some time I have considered.

Luo Yuan, who read this blog for quite some time I have considered. "Well, tonight there is a regular class. if you wanted to participate."
I said: "But I do not want to have to go overboard reaction Linden couple just want to know what their son Furthermore, I want Seth deal with the matter, had tonight Well there are lessons.!"
Seth now through my open eyes watching agua bonafont them. My gesture was his. Jim look forward agua bonafont to when they talk to him. Security and Law both in the notes. Phil just sit and listen.
These impressions also includes a number of statements about the origins agua bonafont of Peter cause deadly diseases. Its cause is unknown, does not have to discuss my interpretation here. But I have to give special signs are very accurate description of the Peter situation. Linden did not talked to a couple of these with us Maybe this topic so that they are too painful. Since this information is correct, there is no reason to assume that would be the wrong impression of the cause, though, is unknown. Similarly, no reason to assume that the reincarnation of the data will be less accurate, although we can not be verified agua bonafont due to the passage of time. (Some compare the modern reincarnation of the information, if the person has the intention to go to check the time and is also feasible. So far we have only encountered very few of the monks, and no one else had lived in Atlantis.)
"Husbands should be done three times a day the following exercises: He should imagine the energy and vitality of the universe to the health of his wife's body is full of this type should not be a wishful thinking of the idea, but it is to understand her body by this energy. agua bonafont An exact composition of efforts to this method he can help her to benefit from the use of this energy, if possible, in practice he should touch her, he should be morning, dusk and evening to do it again.
"This life is to take care of this person is not the person agua bonafont to take care of people reliance on the body in the pre-existence in this person can not be reluctant to try to understand the situation of disabled daughter, when he could not endure a moment to meditate on personal The inner reality.
Seth often tell us, when we had finished this life, we are in fact eager to leave. When the body is exhausted, we really want to get rid of it. Survival can take care of this very well, because agua bonafont I know that it can go beyond the death of life. I still do not want to tell on the phone so strong, agua bonafont in theory it sounds good, but naturally I know he wants Sally alive, I know he's looking forward to a miracle recover at least part of the time on probation.
Floor pastor and his wife taught me one night visit, naturally, I invite them to participate. I tried to make this possible without a formal lesson, which everyone called names straight, everyone wearing his most comfortable and natural conscious clothing. Men and hippie dressed man wearing a suit mixed together, and people who like wine, we always offer wines. I admit I was wondering floor priest will think and hope he did not expect a prayer meeting-style gatherings. In our own way we have with prayer, but in a highly creative, non-structural, non-traditional gesture. agua bonafont For example, agua bonafont sometimes I read the poem, while put rock I think this is the prayer.
"You must first understand the nature agua bonafont of reality, in which you can manipulate with ease. Solid phase in the material you are learning your thoughts have actually phase, and you create the reality you know when you leave this dimension, you will focus on you have learned agua bonafont in the knowledge and if you still can not comprehend that you create your own reality, then you come back again to learn to manipulate, again and again when you face your inner objectified reality, you will see the results of the internal reality. you teach yourself until you learned so far and then you start to learn how to wisely handle their own consciousness. then you can create a useful image in people to lead and guide them. then You continue to expand the scope of your understanding. "
But Seth is not finished yet, he gave another student Connie reincarnation agua bonafont information. Special mention her once in Denmark, she is a little boy died of diphtheria. agua bonafont This time really no way out, then make Connie surprised everyone, especially other college girls. She said that since she was a child, she contracted diphtheria afraid, she never understood why.
In the second agua bonafont section of five or six, he said: "Because you cling to the past, present, and future concepts, one by one, you are forced to think about the idea of reincarnation is indeed the series, we are due for your ideas and chronological. Speaking of past lives. you actually like some development on three sides Eve described. dominate several of your self, all are part of an internal body, dominated in different lifetime, but these exist but there are at the same time. merely self-involved to distinguish only time BC fourteen five years, the AD after four or five years, a thousand years of your past and your future millennium all present in the now. "
Doris had many problems, one of which is that she continually captivated for those men regardless of the circumstances under which are reluctant agua bonafont to marry. In these relationships, she is the person to take the offensive. Each time the man and the woman are not dating, special attachment agua bonafont to their parents, or for some reason with a woman without a man of normal relations. Doris smart enough to see this, but every time she is convinced that the new man has some different, make him more qualified or at least more likely to accept her quest. Meanwhile it, she is extremely lonely because she refused to "normal" dating men, since they so pale in contrast with the new idol.
Seth emphasized Frank for his own reasons not to the marriage relationship, and finally said Frank Doris chose it for this reason says she never saw his true colors, but only that she was cast in his image. He gave Frank incidentally there are times the pre-existence of the name, called Ekman. After a long time Doris found out he now has a family surname Aikman.
"Fourteen agua bonafont hundred years the monks were expelled from the religious. Congregation of the monks seem Luo called transliteration Aerofranz Marie ."
"Because, like" Many aspects of my "composed of" all me "there , many of the same" being "to form a" gestalt "(gestalt), you know very little about it, but I have not going to tell you. "(this last one in the long run will lead to a whole heap of specialized talk about" God "concept Seth lesson.)
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