Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Aquarium reverse osmosis water Specs Display Tank: 4ft, 240l My Tank: Click here to see my tank t

we thought we would expand the reefers reverse osmosis water knowledge of what to look for in future when purchasing a r.o.unit as there has been alot of fowl play in the trade. well we all know that the best reverse osmosis membranes on the planet are filmtec! and it was inevitable that people would try to copy them. the truth is many have and all failed. there are a few other brands that have a good reputation but none as strong as filmtec for its economical, robust, efficiant reverse osmosis water performance with maximum results. so then came along those who realised they could rob the end user ands make a quick buck by simply pulling off the sticker on the film casing of any budget membrane and replace it with a filmtec membrane sticker that could be made at any digital printer. i heard this story from the filmtec agent about a year ago but never thought reverse osmosis water anything of it as this was all occuring overseas......well that is until 4 months ago when we noticed some of our clients telling us they had been offered some r.o.units with filmtec membranes for ridiculous prices. i called the filmtec agent who confirmed it was possible that a few water purification importers had bought these membranes (some knowing reverse osmosis water and others without knowing) reverse osmosis water and have pushed them through in there machines. we began to investigate and boy did we find a rat. it became so bad that we had people sending there units (which were not even us for inspection and repair) costing them even more money. anyway reverse osmosis water filmtec have since begun to take care of the matter and therefore you will notice that from now on there membranes look like picture no.2 they have changed there label and added hologram writing and logos, aswell as encrypted codes with batch numbers etc etc aswell as standard bar codes. further more if you read the label, you can see a formal warning to those trying to copy the label. reverse osmosis water so make sure when purchasing reverse osmosis water you get membranes that look like picture 2 ond not like picture 1 so bottom line ......if you in the market for a r.o.unit and you think you getting a good deal.......ensure reverse osmosis water the following. 1) your supplier issues you with a membrane that looks like picture no.2 2) ask the supplier for his certificate of approval from filmtec as proof that they are certified reverse osmosis water filmtec dealers reverse osmosis water and thus the membranes are authentic as seen in picture reverse osmosis water no 3 3) if supplier issues with a membrane that looks like no 1 ask for a dealer certificate, if they cant issue you with one.....simply walk away i feel like isabel jones at least you guys , the end user have learned something new today and have the power to stop some con artist from stealing your money and potentialy harming your marine eco-system..... cool picture 1 - old membrane picture 2 - new membrane picture 3 - certificate of approval
My Aquarium Specs Display Tank: 800lt My Tank: Click here to see my tank thread. Sump: 200lts Skimmer: Reef Octopus Bubble Blaster 5000-external - Rated for 4000lt Ozone: No UV: Yes Lighting: Sfiligoi Light Pendant 2 x 400w BLV 20000 k Metal Halides 2x Geisseman 54w Pure Actinic 2x Geisseman 54w Aqua Blue plus 2x Geisseman 24w Pure Actinic 2x Geisseman 24w Aqua Blue plus Calcium Reactor: Profilux reverse osmosis water 3 pump doser - Reef Code A - Reef Code B - Bio Fuel kalkwasser: Aquamedic Kalk Stirrer - Dosed via top off water Corals: Anenome Coral Star Polyps - brown Brain Coral - green Pink Poccilopora Green Birdnest Pink Birdnest Yellow Birdnest Orange Digidata Green Digidata Yellow Digidata Purple Digidata Green Acropora Purple Acropora Red Montipora Green Montipora Orange Bubble tip anenome Fish: Powder Brown Clown - False Percs Yellow Tangs x 2 Watchman Goby Bi-Colour Angel x 2 Clown Surgeon Moorish Idol Lavender Tang Semi Angel Dusky Cherub Emperor reverse osmosis water Angel Blond Naso Blue Throat Trigger Aurora reverse osmosis water Goby Flame Angel Other: HCB1000 Chiller
durleo View Public Profile Send a private message to durleo Find More Posts by durleo Last Activity: 29 Minutes Ago
My Aquarium reverse osmosis water Specs Display Tank: 4ft, 240l My Tank: Click here to see my tank thread. reverse osmosis water Sump: 90l Refugium: on top of DSB Skimmer: tunze 9010 - 1000l rating Ozone: Yes UV: No Lighting: 144w LED lighting unit Calcium Reactor: No kalkwasser: No Corals: mushrooms xenia SPS Pin Cushion Hammer Tube anenome GSP Zoas Fish: 2 x percula clown 1 x Naso Tang 1 x Yellow Tang 1 x sixline warrse 1 x Dot Dash Blennie Other: 5 x blue legged hermits 10 x turbo snails 1 x Cleaner shrimp
spread the word guys...... the drinking water trade has been hit pretty hard by all this fraud, leaving reverse osmosis water the end user (the customer) with inferior product for premium price. from reports from lfs ' that have contacted reverse osmosis water us , i can tell you there are quite a few who have landed up with these membranes......most of them bought them from a company which i cannot name just yet as they still under investigation. what i can tell you is about 4 differant companies had been e-mailing price lists t

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