Friday, March 13, 2015

Air Biodiversity Energy Chemicals Ekoekonomia environmental legislation in force Waste

Ksenoestrogjenet factor in breast cancer. Sources omnipure & how to protect ourselves. | Center "Grouping Ekolevizja"
October was declared the month of awareness for breast cancer. One of the causes of breast omnipure cancer are thought to be and chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen omnipure in the body, called ksenoestrogjenë. This addition increases the risk of breast cancer and other health problems, such as endometriosis, infertility etc.
Among ksenoestrogjene chemicals include: chemical product where the air Deodorizantë omnipure Alkilfenol; rubber, adhesive, fuels, lubricants atrazin herbicide 4-Metilbenziliden camphor (4-MBC) suntan cream butylated hydroxyanisole (butylated omnipure hydroxyanisole) food preservatives BHA bisphenol A water bottles chlorine and its derivatives Hundreds of products, such as detergents, plastics, water etc. . Diklorodifenildikloroetilen comes from the disintegration of DDT insecticide DDT insecticide dieldrin insecticide Endosulfan Eritrozin food coloring, red color Ethinylestradiol combined oral contraceptives omnipure heptachlor insecticide lindane / insecticide hekzaklorociklohekzan Metaloestrogjenët: aluminum, antimony, arsenic oxide, barium, cadmium, omnipure chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, seleniti, tin and vanadati In the air, land and water; Insecticide different products Metoksiklor Nonilfenol and its derivatives Pesticides, laboratory detergents, industrial detergents Pentaklorofenol biocides, wood preservatives bipheniles biphenyls (PCBs) adhesive, paints, lubricants, oils electrical Parabenët (methylparaben, etilparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben) Shampoo, soap liquid and other personal hygiene products which are used as preservatives Fenosulfotiazin (Phenosulfothiazine) In antipsychotic medications and antihistamines phthalates DEHP in PVC plastics omnipure Propyl gallate in food products to protect fats from oxidation. The name on the label: E310
Some tips on how to protect yourself from ksenoestrogjenët: omnipure Choose products without chlorine, chlorine unaddressed letters. Avoid all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Use filtered water for drinking and bathing, to avoid chlorine. Buy organic foods. Buy meat and dairy products without hormones. Use the buffer, lines, toilet paper, coffee filters without chlorine omnipure etc. Reduce the use of plastics as much. Do not cook in the microwave in plastic containers. Do not use plastic bags to store food in the refrigerator, where you can use glass or ceramic containers Do not leave bottles of water in the sun. If the bottle or plastic container that hold liquids, is heated more, not consume fluid Avoid freezing water in plastic bottles. Purchase of season fruits and vegetables, omnipure preferably omnipure organic. Fruit and non-organic vegetables affairs, step skin. If possible, use no chemicals and cleaning products Use biodegradable soaps and toothpaste without chemicals. Avoid creams and cosmetics omnipure that have parabenë. Minimize exposure to solvents manikurit manicure. Use natural perfumes, essential oils as
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Air Biodiversity Energy Chemicals Ekoekonomia environmental legislation in force Waste & recycling Climate Change and Environmental Health various green phone Uncategorized Water Land sustainable development of cities
Categories Air Biodiversity Energy Chemicals Ekoekonomia environmental legislation in force Waste & recycling Climate omnipure Change and Environmental Health various green phone Uncategorized Water Land sustainable development of cities
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