In the spring issue of available mwfa natural 2014 we saw the beauty cabinet three women have gradually moved into the green cosmetics and hair care. Rachel Halldórsdóttir, owner Mrs. Pool, farmers market on Laugalæk and Óðinsgötu always looks good as she has dedicated to a healthy and green lifestyle includes she thinks not only what she puts into themselves but also she thinks carefully about what she puts on respectively. SKIN
I am very eccentric when it comes to skin care and hair and is not anything other than their own sense and experience. Immediately teenage became me very concerned about keeping skin beautiful and have tested me on with things in this regard. I've learned mwfa to listen to your body and let your skin tell me what she wants. If I feel good in your skin and it dawns and beautiful, then I believe myself to be on track regarding its care.
I've used the same face cream, Ultra daytime smoothing cream from Neostrata (SPF 15, 10 AHA), from the twenty and use it always during the day. During the summer, I could my well of the sun and use sunscreen lotion extra on top of this. I always go in a hot bath or shower at night and clear the way face with Aveda Tourmaline charged exfoliating cleanser and clean the eyes with eye treatment mwfa cream with chamomile from the Body Shop. I blow the stories about the hot bath dry skin, it is not my experience; the hotter the better. After the evening bath should I thin layer of Moisture Surge Intense from Clinique in the face. The skin on your body clean I only shower gel from Neutral. For evening bath dry brush I body with long strokes towards the heart with a special rough gloves. In the bath rub so I face and neck with a face massage roller with gúmmínöbbum and the skin on the body with body massage cushion, mwfa also with gúmmínöbbum. Gloves, roll and bag from Body Shop.
This action sounds perhaps as the best company, but this is part of my routine and it takes me no time. Dry brush, hot bath and massage with gúmmínöbbum that stimulate the skin and lymphatic system all serve to stimulate blood circulation, but it is in my opinion one of the most important factor in maintaining beautiful skin and body and general health.
When it comes to hair, I love Aveda shampoo-and using them in various combinations. In between, I used Neutral-shampoo and conditioner, or even shower gel former for shampoo (I use it only in the youngest children). When I dried her hair after a bath rub I Moroccan Argan Oil from Organix up hair, which gives the glans and mild aroma. When I comb your hair in the morning I carry a little bit of Aveda Brilliant Emollient Finishing Gloss hair for glossy and beautiful texture. So I cut myself or let my husband do it and have done for decades. Aroma
I use unscented deodorant from Neutral and while the skin is still moist and warm bath after I carry on her body cream from Nivea organic argan-oil, which is light and cozy, with a mild fragrance. In the end I put so little of ilmkremi the neck, shoulders and upper arms (this I do not if I have a child under the age of 18 months). These days I use Acqua di GIOIA-body cream from GIORGIO mwfa ARMANI. I'm very selective when it comes to fragrance and never use perfume but only body lotion with mild and fresh scent. I never in space different from the clean, smooth and moderately fragrant. Visit
When it comes to make-up then I use the Inner Light Concealer from Aveda in the face. I have used it for many years. I never use the tag and never powder, neither solid nor liquid (I think the final skin and wipe it despite being told otherwise).
In your eyes, I use only mask, and have tested various types. The point is that it is odorless and irritate eyes. Now I'm with Masterpiece Max from Max Factor. So I am always with red lipstick and is very selective color, L'Oreal Color Richer No. 115 Coral Rouge is my color. I always use Blistex DCT lip balm under lipstick. OTHER
When I think the skin of the face require special care and nutrition I bear any of the following skin just before I go to the bath, and I lie on it for a while, depending on what I think she need: vitamin E directly from vitamin E pods , lemon juice from organic lemon, organic raw honey in a thick layer, cod liver oil straight from the bottle or pods, raw cocoa mixed with a little water. Sometimes I mix two of this together like honey and cocoa, or honey and lemon juice. C vitamin the lemon also works well with E-vitamin.
I could get enough iron to make sure I have enough blood and a good capacity for uptake and eat regular mwfa food that stimulates and strengthens the blood, such as garlic and other onions, radishes, oranges, mwfa dark chocolate, cayenne pepper, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and nuts, olives, gojiber, ginger, melon, red seized, tomatoes, apricots, salmon, trout and other fatty fish, avocado, Kale, spinach, blueberries, beetroot, peppers, beans and spices such as oregano