Trash is a residue of a business or human activity that are solid [in the form of organic and inorganic substances that are biodegradable and non-biodegradable] and is considered no longer useful so that discharged water filtration systems into the environment.
Organic waste, which is waste such as leftover perishable foods, vegetables, dried leaves, and so on. This garbage can be turned into compost. This trash can undergo weathering (decomposition) and the material breaks down into smaller and does not smell (often referred to as compost). Organic waste is divided into:
o Organic waste dry. Which includes a dry organic waste is organic material other small water content. Examples of dry organic waste including paper, wood or twigs, and dry leaves.
Inorganic waste, ie waste consists of materials that are difficult to decompose biologically destruction takes a very long time. Inorganic rubbish comes from non renewable natural resources such as minerals and petroleum, or from industrial processes. Some of this material is not found in nature such as plastic and aluminum. Most inorganic substances as a whole can not be explained by nature, while others can only be described in a very long time. This type of waste at the household level, for example in the form of bottles, plastic bottles, plastic bags, and cans.
Waste that is considered to be items that are no longer useful can actually be a very useful item as long as the processing water filtration systems is done well. The following waste management by implementing the 3R concept:
In the school environment, waste management requires serious attention. With the majority of its inhabitants water filtration systems are children not rule management water filtration systems was not optimal. But also can be used as a medium of learning for its students. One measure of a good school is environmentally sound. Therefore, we as teachers need to be aware of the importance of using the environment water filtration systems for learning that one of them can be realized from the use of waste as a useful item. In the design of waste management water filtration systems in school, students need to be actively involved. This can be done by forming teams assigned to a scheduled basis. Periodic exhibitions and competitions can be done to raise awareness of waste management. Such activity water filtration systems is a good exercise to cultivate the souls manage waste. Thus emerged a new awareness that, "Garbage is not a problem, but an opportunity".
To make the pot
Organic, inorganic
o Then cut the glass of mineral water to 12 parts but do not get to the bottom, leaving the bottom of the glass as the base.
o Try to enter the sand when there is no gap at all so there is no room for different sand colors
Garbage is not dirty things that are not useful. Trash can be beneficial goods and high-value, provided we are able to modify the waste into beautiful things and highly water filtration systems selling. Garbage is not a problem for us but we can make waste as a business opportunity water filtration systems that could be jobs.
streak streak
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