Continue the body in ordinary situations by creating balance in the water because it is important for the continuation of vital processes in the body, even if it has the body of 5% of the weight of water, this leads to heat exhaustion such as general weakness and rapid heart rate, headaches, softener dizziness, when the body loses 10% of its weight of water it lead to a strike, thermal and death if not treated the person in the case.
Although it is rare, the drink large amounts of water may lead to the occurrence softener of poisoning the water and a lot of drinking water may occur in some cases psychological. There are cases found in people who follow the diet eat plenty of fluids or water. In this case, the college can not keep up with the large amount softener of water intake and as a result the cells flooded with water, leading to excessive dilution of sodium and other minerals that help in maintaining the balance of acid-base within the college, and this prevents the college from doing its job. The poisoning of water leads to coma and then fulfill
Vary the amount of water needed by the human from one person to another and there are no specific recommendations for it. The weather is the practice of physical activity and individual differences in breathing all affect the needs of fluids. Thirst is often the best indicator of the need for water, but this is not the mechanical image is always full. People are taking liquids to cover their sense of drought in the pharynx, but not to the extent that meets their actual needs. Therefore, the recommendation that we should drink 6-8 glasses of water or fluids a day is considered incorrect. Especially in our countries with the presence of warm weather and high humidity. We are fortunate to have a drink is not the only way to replace the fluids needed by the body's very few people who partake of the drinks quantities of fluids meet their needs. We get the rest of the fluid from the chemical reactions in our body, which liberated them water as well as foods, for example, softener most fruits softener and vegetables contain 85-95% water and contain meat to 45-65% water and contain cheese on 25-35% water.
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