Thursday, March 20, 2014

Within the issue of air pollutants, highlight the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compound

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Within the issue of air pollutants, highlight the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds are hydrocarbons which react with sunlight or other chemicals in the atmosphere, andrea rt filters service causing ground-level ozone, smog and acid rain, among others. According to European data, the natural sources of VOCs (including the activities of the agricultural sector) account for about 16% of total VOC emissions to the atmosphere, with the industry and energy andrea rt filters service production accounted for 31% of these emissions, transport by 46% and domestic emissions by 7%. Within the industrial activity, those that are assigned greater responsibilities are the major industrial units of organic chemistry and polymer, and the smaller units such as paintings, prints, dry washes, etc.. Volatile andrea rt filters service organic compounds, or VOCs, which are volatile hydrocarbons gives them the ability to spread to distances more or less far from their place of issue. The term "organic" refers to the presence of carbon andrea rt filters service associated with hydrogen, but also other elements such as oxygen, sulfur, halogenated compounds ... are considered as greenhouse gases because they participate in photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, increases the concentration of ozone, responsible andrea rt filters service in particular by increasing the temperature of the planet. Although direct effects not offer any doubts pollution due to emissions of VOCs, produces direct and indirect effects on human health and their health and their environment can also have harmful effects on animals, plants and pollution of watercourses, however andrea rt filters service are not yet known the exact mechanisms and magnitude of the consequences of these effects. andrea rt filters service The problem of VOC health becomes more urgent as their consumption and use (both industrial and domestic) has recorded strong increases. However, these effects are very different from one product to another depending also on exposure time. The direct effects of Volatile Organic Compounds andrea rt filters service are often difficult andrea rt filters service to determine in a way, because they depend strongly andrea rt filters service on the amounts absorbed andrea rt filters service and exposure times as well as the long and complex chemical reactions. However, it is generally associated with exposure to vapors of benzene leukemia. The glycol ethers of short-chain are toxic to the bone marrow andrea rt filters service and other VOCs have direct effects on human body (heart, liver, nerve ...). The problem of the polluting paints is that these VOCs are then released andrea rt filters service inside the housing during the drying. Therefore it is necessary to paint in a well ventilated room and follow safety precautions indicated for a paint or varnish. Indications about the potential dangers of solvent-based products are given in the form "X = r" or "s = X". Indirect effects are considered VOCs greenhouse gases as they participate in chemical andrea rt filters service reactions resulting in particular the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere. The pernicious influence of pollution that cause various irritations to the skin level was demonstrated, eyes, respiratory tract, and even cardiac, hepatic and digestive problems, headaches, nervous system problems, and mutagénea carcinogenic action and also in diseases such as asthma who mainly plays the young children and the elderly, or vulnerable individuals. In addition to global warming, ie, the increase in average global temperature of the planet, VOCs can also contribute to water pollution, either by direct contact of the air, or by absorption by clays and muds dais through which water flows. All species, animal and vegetable, are therefore affected by pollutants such as ozone. Ozone is an irritant and toxic gas. Having two types of exposures (chronic exposures, and exposures to peaks higher than normal exposure), those that have been consider

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