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Statistics indicate that about one-tenth of the world's population (780 million people), do not have access to clean drinking water. The harvested water contaminated with bacteria, viruses, lead and arsenic millions of lives every year. For that researchers developed in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras a new kind of portable systems for water purification filtration systems based on nanoparticles us filter of the nanoparticle. us filter The scientists Bhmaalaml aid to reach the Millennium Development Goals announced by the United Nations by doubling the number of people with access to safe drinking water constantly by 2015. And devised a research group of Indian scientists a system for portable us filter water purification nominate 10 liters of clean water per hour. And eliminates the candidate us filter (filter) located in nanoscale device ultrafine particles of heavy metals also removes all contaminants and biological hazards caused by algae and fungi, bacteria, and viruses and other. This led the team Pradeep Thalabil from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, and it was the most important goals of this work is to develop us filter a system that uses nanotechnology to purify water and provide us filter safe drinking water even to the poorest communities in India and other other countries that share the plight of water pollution. This device (Candidate nanoscale) inexpensive and can remove dangerous microbes us filter and chemicals from drinking water to effectively solve this problem, it can also extend this device a family of five people with clean water for an entire year. The expected price of this device is $ 16. In spite of the availability us filter of cheap filtration systems before, but this system is the first device that can combine the ability to kill microbes and the ability to remove chemical contaminants us filter such as lead and arsenic at once. The system uses two candidates separate components for water purification from microbes and chemicals, they can customize the system to rid the water of pollutants microbial or chemical contaminants, or both, depending on the needs of the user. In their research, us filter published in the journal of the National Academy of Sciences, explained Pradeep and his aides that the candidate microbes depends on the silver nanoparticles embedded in a "cage" made of aluminum and Chitosan, which is a type of carbohydrate derived from chitin crustaceans. The team used nanoparticles that release arsenic and iron ions confined to the candidate making the chemical. The technique can be used "cage" with other nanoparticles us filter for purification of target contaminants such as mercury. Kills membrane filter in the upper part of bacteria and viruses, and mass pivotal in the lower part can be customized to provide the candidate's second us filter lead or arsenic, and does not require water filtration any electricity because they are made of filters like silt at room temperature, and combine fiber Chitosan nanoparticles with aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles (AlOOH Np) to form a "cage" of silt-like substance to protect the deposition of silver nanoparticles so as not to reduce the strength to kill microbes. "This is probably the strongest part of the study," says John Giorgiades, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The team of scientists in their research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences recently, on how a new immune function, and how it works to remove contaminants nanoparticles and biological hazards, and toxic heavy metals as well. This system consists of a new two-stage filtration process, and provides 10 liters of clean water within one hour. The team says: The biggest challenge we faced was how to transfer the knowledge of silver ions into the water to be processed us filter without the use of any electricity. The scientists also a commitment to using a small amount of silver ions to meet international us filter safety standards. Scientists have overcome us filter this problem through the use of new materials that employ silver nanoparticles through the blockade built inside a small cage-like material made from clay. The scientists used nanoparticles to create other filters kill microbes and absorb heavy metals from water, making it safe to drink and use for cooking purposes. The first phase of the elimination us filter of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms other serious, and the second phase by absorbing heavy metals such as lead and arsenic. The end result is a cheap laptop cost water purification filtration systems compared to other similar phones, but the treatment itself is cheaper us filter than any alternative system, and up to cost less than three dollars a year only, without the use of any energy source. These filters work well for one year (3600 liters approx), is then replaced afterwards, and can run the nomination more than once a day if necessary. The device could help save about 2 million people a year. It has not
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