Sunday, March 30, 2014

Founded on February 4, 2000, the VOC - Vocational Guidance Center Our Lady of Nazareth welcomes gea

With immense sorrow and regret we announce that died on 10/02 our dear confrere, Fr Roberto Bessa (32 years). After attending the Ordination of Fr Jardel in San Luis Fr Roberto was going to his family in St. Stephen-BA for a few days vacation. On the way between Feira de Santana and St. Stephen, suffered a tragic accident and died. God welcomes our brother who was developing his mission pentek filters Marituba as Chief Operating Officer of the CESM (Educational and Social Center pentek filters Marituba). To the family our deepest feelings and our prayer. Bessa, receive the fraternal embrace pentek filters of thy brethren. Ask God for Us We want to continue your mission with the same enthusiasm, joy and commitment that you were peculiar. Know that we love you and we are sure that the Provident Father hugged you in glory. Father God sustain us! HISTORY: Bessa Roberto Santos, was born on May 28, 1981 in the town of St. Stephen - BA. Son of Nelson Santos of Love (in memoriam) and Nelza Bessa Santos. He joined the congregation pentek filters on February 21, 2001 in Feira de Santana VOC - BA, doing all the steps of their initial training at the Regional North / Northeast. At the end of 2006 December 31, he entered the novitiate of Our Lady of Caravaggio in the city of Farrukhabad - RS, and a year later on January 1, 2008 also in Farrukhabad RS-issues its first religious profession in the Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence. Three years later, on January 1, 2011 issues its Triennial Profession, thus becoming, final member of the Work. The year 2012 was very significant for Fr Roberto Bessa, therefore, was in this year that he gave his "yes" towards the concrete realization of his calling and mission. Roberto Bessa this year is ordained deacon and later priest. Priesthood played this co affection, love and kindness, always being significant presence pentek filters in their mission. Father Roberto pentek filters Bessa exercising their Apostolate passed by St. Louis - MA in CESJO community of 2008 until 2011, this was his first mission as a religious Poor Servant. In 2012 the congregation entrusts a new mission: Work in CESM in Marituba-PA and last year became Chief Operating pentek filters Officer of the same. Dear Father Roberto Bessa, you touched the lives of all who knew you with its simplicity, honesty, affection ... would be lots and lots of adjectives to describe this holy person you was. Our thanks and pray to intercede for us with our Holy Father St. John Calabria proclaimer. pentek filters The angels sing glory to the Lord, because, heaven pentek filters gained another soul. You will always be in our hearts; Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence delegation Our Lady of Aparecida - Brazil Fr Roberto Bessa - * 26/05/1981 02/10/2014
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The VOC - Vocational Guidance Center Our Lady of Nazareth is a space where young people seek to meet with God and this meeting are asked to discern pentek filters his vocation. If you want to know our charism and our lifestyle, contact us or visit. CONTACT U.S.: E-mail: cov.nazare @ - Phone (91) 3256 5757 - Marituba PA. Young God needs you!
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Catechesis the Pope Francisco - 02/26/14
Founded on February 4, 2000, the VOC - Vocational Guidance Center Our Lady of Nazareth welcomes geared who proposes to make a walk of vocational discernment. The training is based on the principles of the Catholic Church and the charism inspired by God to Saint Giovanni Calabria. You can also meet our space and make the experience of discernment. Please contact us by email: cov.nazare @ or by phone 91 3256 5757.

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