Wednesday, December 11, 2013

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Plants Caring for houseplants
It would seem, what could be easier? Simply select ge smartwater filter mwf the most fresh, delicious smelling bread and make sure that it was your favorite supplements, such as raisins, ge smartwater filter mwf poppy seeds, nuts, etc.? But not so easy as it seems at first glance.
Here, for example, many people like hot bread, piping-hot. Now, when many homes have a bread machine, and housewives prefer to bake bread themselves, these fans are becoming more and more. But this is not so innocent, and not everyone knows that eating hot bread - is harmful to health. Bread matures during cooling and ready for use only after 40-45 minutes after baking. Many different opinions about what bread tastes better. So the owners of bakeries believe that the most delicious bread - today. But specialists, nutritionists strongly recommend to prevent gastritis and other digestive diseases ge smartwater filter mwf have only bread yesterday.
In general, the grain of wheat - a unique product that gathered in itself almost the entire periodic table. In wheat weight vitamins A, E, P, B vitamins and other, a large number of minerals such as copper, selenium, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, chlorine, sodium, silicon, manganese, potassium, iodine. However, ge smartwater filter mwf all of these nutrients are contained only in the shell of grain and its bud. In the process of modern grain processing is the most valuable part of it becomes waste, ge smartwater filter mwf and remain largely starch and calories. And from this flour baked soft and lush white bread and rolls and other products. All contained in the raw grain of vitamins ge smartwater filter mwf and minerals in such agony is almost 30%.
Most nutritionists believe that many diseases arise and develop just because of the use of white bread of high-grade flour. People constantly ingesting white bread, much more likely to develop and worsen cardiovascular, ge smartwater filter mwf gastrointestinal, endocrine diseases and cancer.
And yet, how to choose the most useful and tasty bread? If you are used to eating bread baking handmade from small bakery, do not be lazy and walk around it. This attractive and even delicious smell of hot bread resistant means that the room is not ventilated and the bakery is not ventilated, and the bread is not stored on dry shelves and on trays. In such circumstances, ge smartwater filter mwf the bread can "sick" and he cause of your illness. Easiest diseases amenable to wheat, and the most stable - rye.
Usually bread stored in improper conditions, ge smartwater filter mwf ill 10-20 hours after baking. He could become moldy or may have formed potato sticks, signs of which you can easily notice. This pungent smell crumb becomes sticky when breaking runs like a thread. By the way, remember that the black and white bread can not be stored together - is fueling the rapid growth of potato sticks. Even easier to notice mold on bread. But this bread can cause chronic diseases: gastrointestinal, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
In Russia, most of the bran is used to feed livestock and people eat bread, in which the nutrients is only 30% of the original quantity. And it was the bread and bran - the most useful! If you do not eat it hot and on an empty stomach, you get the most benefit from it. Even more useful bread with brown bread from crushed (not milled into flour) grains, as it is stored in it and rough natural fiber such useful.
Once in Russia ge smartwater filter mwf was very popular bread on hops. And now many bakeries bake this bread on old recipes. It is called "Bogorodskiy." The benefits of hops can talk a lot, as it has long been used in folk medicine as a sedative, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, and to increase appetite, spasms of the esophagus, in the treatment of mastitis and violation of the menstrual cycle in women.
Buy bread, pay attention to how it looks. Bread should be smooth, even and free of cracks, bruises and dents, the correct form. Rye breads should have a dark brown color, and bakery products - gold. Pale crust - the first sign of undercooked bread. You can not take bread with Nagara ge smartwater filter mwf black bacon from the oven, as well as with foreign smells - it says about the poor quality ge smartwater filter mwf of flour and not the most useful supplements.
If the bread is sold in plastic bags, note whether there are water droplets on the package - condensate, which can occur if the packaged bread hot. That bread "pants": first he loses crisp and later becomes food for mold.
Bakery products are not subject to mandatory certification, so you can pack and find the appropriate mark. But must be registered: product name, manufacturer, weight, date of development and implementation period, information on the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrates per 100 g of product.
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