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Seen from Spain in crisis, countries in Northern Europe seem more prosperous than ever. We watch with envy and, in many cases, we hit a certain inferiority complex. However, the thriller takes to light a Cara B much less favorable. Two recent novels gut the myth of a happy and egalitarian Scandinavia UK and a bright and prosperous.
Second saprofity inclusion of books in its new format, half Territory, on Friday Julia en la Onda. Share antenna with two exceptional journalists, Santiago Segurola-SUV with a huge baggage culturally and Agustin Alcala-Onda Cero correspondent in New York. I discuss four novels and a book of very special cuisine. This is the last Lapp, Olivier Truc (Target), Dark Winter, David Mark (Siruela), The Alhambra Solomon J ose Luis Serrano (Rocaeditorial), The manuscript of Avicenna, Ezequiel Teodoro (Entrelíneas) and gourmet burgers (Lunwerg). saprofity
The Sami are a people saprofity without a state consisting of some 70,000 people living in Lapland, saprofity halfway between Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Reindeer herding no longer occupies its entire saprofity population but still has a huge economic and social weight. In the early twentieth century, Sweden applied in them a real eugenic saprofity policy. He even founded an institute for racial biology that considered below a sub-race; Nazi theorists went to study there.
During the last two centuries, their lands have been exploited by the Scandinavians. Today, climate change and the explosion of second homes, cabins saprofity in the woods and near the lakes-threatening grazing and lifestyle. They have also been the target of more radical Christian churches, Lutheran extreme sects that have pursued since the seventeenth century, any hint of paganism. The fire was the price paid by many Sami do not surrender to the goodness of the Bible. saprofity
The theft of a rare shamanic drum-only there are 70 pieces saprofity in the world-triggers the action of the last Lapp. Shortly after that event a reindeer herder, a descendant of a family of Sami shamans, is assassinated. Up here I advance the plot. I do not want reventársela.
The protagonists are two police officers of the reindeer, a multinational body that maintains order in the pasture, saprofity in the grueling Arctic winter, foraging for cattle is a matter of life or death. Without their presence, each justice would take his hand and would have to Lapland little envy a snowy Wild West. The story takes place between January 10-the day on which the sun rises for the first time after a night of several weeks, until 28 January. The narrator continually changing scenario to present different facts and different characters. At times, excessively prolonged scenes and that hampers the pace somewhat, although the interest of the story just fell.
Olivier Truc, the author is French, but has lived in Sweden for 20 years, working as a correspondent for Le Monde and Le Point. He had published two books of travel and this is his first novel. The last Lapp has been edited by Destination with Joan Riambau translation.
David Mark is a journalist event in Hull, East thing in the UK, in the depressed northern England. Not a bargain. Hull is chosen year after year as the worst city in Britain. Rates of unemployment and poverty are among the highest in the country, after the entry into the European Economic Community would end the fishing industry and the policy of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher will stick the coup de grace.
Mark has been able to move his novel, dark winter, this decadent, oppressive, harsh environment of noses. Fingers are you losers soot of burnt houses, boarded up, abandoned years ago by people who sought their fortune far away. The novel is like that environment, tough and uncompromising. It's hard not to empathize with its protagonist, Sgt McAvoy, an excessively attached to tiarro rules, a full rate that began to ruin his career when he denounced the corruption of a popular sheriff. The type was removed from is
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