Saturday, May 23, 2015

sell oil dau dau Festival deionizer turbines toan dien dau pulse EDM gear oil gear oil industrial g

Shell gear oils
Oil circulatory Total
Bp Oil Engines
Caltex cutting oil
Oil electric pulse EDM
BP compressor deionizer oil
Castrol deionizer lubricants
Oil Industry | industrial deionizer oils | industrial grease | industrial grease | industrial deionizer lubricants | lubricants | lubricants The cause of the problem in the hydraulic deionizer system causes the breakdown of hydraulic systems
Posted January 12, 2015 by admin When troubleshooting of hydraulic system, remember that creates fluid pump. However, there must be resistance to fluid flow to generate pressure. The following lists the operational problems of the hydraulic system and the corresponding causes likely to be found in troubleshooting:
The likely cause of the malfunction in the hydraulic system when troubleshooting of hydraulic system, remember that creates fluid pump. However, there must be resistance to fluid flow to generate pressure. The following lists the operational problems of the hydraulic system and the corresponding causes likely to be found in troubleshooting: 1. low or erratic pressure - Air in hydraulic oil - Voltage Open interest of safety valve set too low - Leakage deionizer in the hydraulic piping - Pump wear or not sealed - Mechanical actuators wear or not sealed 2. The actuator does not move - Pumps broken - distribution valve (directional control valve) does not move - Pressure set too low for the system - The actuator broken - Safety valves are always open so trapped deionizer - Download of large actuators - Valve one-way reverse 3. There was mounting deionizer pressure - wrong-way deionizer rotary pump - Hydraulic Road interruption - Safety valves are always open so trapped - pump shaft fractures - Overall deionizer traffic flows pumped from tank valve, Empire valve or actuator deionizer damage caused loud noise 4. Pumps - Air entrance of pump intakes - pump shaft and drive motor shaft misalignment - oil viscosity deionizer too high - Filters on the way to dirty - Safety valve opens unstable - broken pump - the pump rotation speed is too high - suction pipe is loose or broken 5. Hydraulic oil system overheating - cooling unit is clogged or damaged - The device in the pipeline system or too small - Incorrect hydraulic oils - Safety valves must operate continuously deionizer - overworked system - Hydraulic oil is dirty - Oil Reservoirs too Small - speed rotation of the pump too fast - The ventilation is blocked or insufficient size 6. The actuator moves slowly or erratically - Yes gas in the system - too high viscosity liquids - Pumping Equipment Grinding worn or broken - pump speed too low - It leaks through the actuator or via a one-way valve - flow control valves are dirty or damaged deionizer - Parts aeration in tank (usually deionizer the lid down oil) clogged - oil level in the tank too low - Check Valve damaged - Safety valve opens unstable Filed under: Counseling use products
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