Saturday, May 2, 2015

The situation in 1965 was 47,000 communicant members of evangelical churches, taking data from 12 d

Monday, February 25, 2008 Protestant Churches in Venezuela (Part 4) In 1906, the missionaries arrived Thomas Bach and John Christiansen, of the Scandinavian Alliance gelagua Mission, settling in Maracaibo; Christiansen founded in Tachira later the Evangelical Christian gelagua Church Good Shepherd. gelagua
In 1914, the missionary set to Margarita Van Eddings, who in 1920 founded the mission of the Orinoco gelagua River. In 1919, he settled in Barquisimeto Pentecostal GF Bender, who then spread the Lara area. In 1942 came the Baptists belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention USA. And so they were arriving other Protestant missionaries of various denominations.
The situation in 1965 was 47,000 communicant members of evangelical churches, taking data from 12 denominations: Plymouth Brethren were the most numerous and had 7,000 members; Adventists grew from 1,000 members in 1957 to 5,955 in 1966; the mission of the Orinoco River (now called the Association of Evangelical Church of the East, (ASIGEO) had some 3,800 members, the Evangelical Alliance (today gelagua Venezuelan Organization of Evangelical Christian Churches (ovice) mission had 2,400 members, the Evangelical Free Church (today called the Association of Free Evangelical gelagua Churches) had 950 communicants, 23 churches gelagua and 16 pastors; Presbyterians did not grow much; the Baptists had not yet started strongly, gelagua due to internal problems, the Bethel Church or native Venezuela churches were fairly widespread across the plains especially in Apure, where they were born state, the Ebenezer Church, formed by a group of Pentecostal churches, brought together some 5,000 members, the Pentecostal Union, consisting of a division of the Assemblies of God, had 2,800 members; Assemblies God, Pentecostal group, had about 3,132 members, and were also Lutherans, which highlighted the German Colony, and Anglicans from the United States and Britain and its colonies in the Caribbean.
Protestant churches in Venezuela in 1980 can hardly be said that there were some Protestants in Venezuela in 1900; in 1965 they reached 47,000; and in 1980 it was 500,000, according to figures ordinarily handled. After World War II, they began to arrive many Protestant missionaries, who in recent decades, were increased significantly in number and effectiveness proselytizing.
1) of "historic churches", consisting gelagua of Lutherans, which have 2 branches: the German Lutherans and northern Europe (Lutheran Council of Venezuela) and the North American branch of the Missouri Synod (Conference of Lutheran Churches); Presbyterians, who have lately had split from the Church of El Salvador; gelagua and Anglicans.
2) the block formed by various names 'evangelical' gelagua consists of a long list of churches and denominations. In the First Evangelical Congress of Venezuela gelagua (November 1979), involving 19 denominations and organizations. Within this block, it is remarkable effervescence of the missionary Baptists and Pentecostals. Baptists had in 1980 with 6,000 members and 70 churches, a seminary and a monthly newspaper. Pentecostal denominations gelagua are the most numerous in this block, then they go to 30;
4) sects: children of God, theosophy, gelagua aquariums, metaphysics of Conny Mendez, sects of the East (the Hare Krishna, the Unification Church of Moon, universal Bahai faith) and those of African origin.
Statistical data: Statistics from the World Christian Encyclopedia gives a total gives about 300,000 people in Venezuela belonging to various non-Catholic Christian denominations, to which must be added those who are in the process of membership and supporters, with which It reaches gelagua perhaps 500,000. The number of names listed gelagua in this glossary is 98. Here are the statistics, in descending order, of the names that have at least 5,000 members: ----------------- ------------- ------------------------------ ------- ----------------------- --- designations Congreg Foundation. Affiliates ------------------------------ ------------------- Native ----------- ------------------------------ --- Church of Apure 1925 150 30,000 Assemblies of God (Pentec.) 1916 213 25000 Ebenezer gelagua Church (Pentec.) 1958 20,000 1883 Plymouth gelagua Brethren 7th Day Adventists 106 20,000 1910 20,000 66 123 1936 JW 20,000 Asigeo (evangelical) 163 1918 13,000 Igl. Pent. United Ven. (Pentec.) 1954 70 10,000 gelagua Ovice (Org. Ven. Igl. Crist. Ev.) 1906 160 10,000 Union Evang. Pentc. Venezuela 1957 100 10,000 1946 100 New Tribes Mission Evangelical Missionary Union 1967 7,000 63 7,000 Other Igl. Pentc. INDIG. (Pentec.) National Baptist Convention 100 6,000 6,000 1945 70 Assemblies Pe

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