Saturday, May 23, 2015

This type of hydroponic system is that people think of when they think of the hydroponic system. NF

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Today, the plant makes a home system is too complex not anymore, especially how to make a water filter when done with modest requirements to satisfy demand at home cleaning vegetables. The students loved Biology should give yourself the opportunity to try to do this the hydroponic system, to his evident passion Biology or not? Passionate to be? And his ability applied research in biology or not?
Hydroponic system is the simplest system in hydroponic systems 'operation'. The platform that holds the tree usually made of Styrofoam and floats directly on the nutrient solution. 1 pump supplying how to make a water filter gas into bubbling mass (air stone) nutrient solution and supplies oxygen to the roots of trees.
Hydroponic system was selected for lettuce cultivation, crops thrive in the water. Few other plants grow well on this system. This type of hydroponic system commonly used in teaching. System less costly, can take advantage of the water tank or other container Stainless. The biggest problem of this system is that it does not work well for large trees or trees with long life. 3. The system periodically submerged & withdrawn (ebb and flow system)
The system periodically flooded and withdrawal operations by planting tray temporarily submerged in nutrient solution and then pulled back into the reservoir solution. This activity is done with the submerged pump 1 connected how to make a water filter to a timer.
When the timer turns the pump on nutrient solution is pumped into the grow tray. When the timer shuts the pump off the nutrient solution flows back into the reservoir. Timer is set to cycle several times / day, depending on size and type of plant, temperature and humidity and the type of growing medium used. Ebb and Flow is a versatile system can be used with many different types of plant. The entire tray can grow Grow Rocks, gravel or granular Rockwool. Many people like to use individual how to make a water filter pots containing potting, making it easy to move plants around, how to make a water filter within or even outside the system. Major disadvantage of this system is that with some type of growing medium (gravel, Growrocks, Perlite), capable of easy power outages as well as damage the pump and timer. The roots can dry quickly when water cycles stop. This problem can be reduced somewhat by using growing hold more water (Rockwool, Vermiculite, coconut fiber or a good soil mixture not like Pro-mix or Faffard's).
Drip systems can be kind of hydroponic system how to make a water filter most widely used worldwide. Perform simple timer controls a submersed pump. Timer turns the pump on and nutrient solution is dripped onto the base of each plant by a small drip line. In drip system reflux, excess nutrient solution flows down in the tank will be recovered for reuse. The non-recovery system does not capture the excess water to flow down.
A recovery system uses nutrient solutions rather efficiently, excess water is recycled, which allows use of inexpensive timer because a recovery system does not require the precise control of the water cycle. The non-recovery system needs more precise timer so that the water cycle can be adjusted to ensure plants enough nutrients and runoff is at its lowest. The non-recovery system requires little maintenance how to make a water filter due to excess nutrient solution is not recycled into the reservoir, so the nutrient levels and pH of the nutrient solution does not change. This means that you can fill the reservoir with nutrient solution pH adjusted and forget about it until needed. A recovery system can have dramatic changes in pH and nutrient levels requires checking and periodic adjustments.
This type of hydroponic system is that people think of when they think of the hydroponic system. NFT systems have one continuous flow of nutrient solution so no timer required for the submersible pump. The nutrient solution is pumped into the growing tray (usually a tube) and flows through the roots of plants, and then drains the tank.
Often no growing medium other than air, which saves the cost of replacing the growing medium after every crop. Often trees are placed in small plastic pots with roots basketball basking in the nutrient solution. NFT systems are very susceptible to power outages and pump failures. Roots dry out very rapidly when nutrients flow was stopped.
Aeroponic system can be most high-tech type of hydroponic gardening. Like the NFT system, potting mainly air. The roots hang in the air and are misted with nutrient how to make a water filter solution. The spray is usually done every few minutes. Because the roots are exposed to the air like the NFT system, the roots will dry quickly if misting cycle is interrupted.
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