Thursday, November 28, 2013

Agricultural and livestock: It is derived from the use of pesticides, pesticides, biocides, ferti

One. The importance of the problem rivers, lakes and seas pick up trash caused by human activity. The natural water cycle has a great capacity for purification but this makes it the usual landfill agua ionizada where the waste we throw fabricats.Moltes waters are polluted to the point of making them dangerous to human health and harmful to Life
2,1. Natural sources of mercury that occurs naturally in the Earth's crust and oceans agua ionizada contaminate the biosphere much more than from human activity. Something similar happens with oil and many other products. Usually natural pollution sources are scattered and do not cause high concentrations of pollution, except in some very specific places. Pollution of human origin, however, agua ionizada is concentrated in very specific areas and is much more dangerous than nature. 2,2. Sources of human origin origin city:
It is the result of the use of water in homes, commercial activities and services, generate domestic wastewater. Contain primarily organic contaminants (urine agua ionizada leftovers ...) and may contain agua ionizada pathogens from sick people agua ionizada and other living beings. Cleaners also contain oils and waste paint.
Agricultural and livestock: It is derived from the use of pesticides, pesticides, biocides, fertilizers and fertilizers that are washed away by irrigation water, carrying salts of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur ... which can contaminate soil and groundwater. In farming, pollution from organic debris that fall to the ground and waste water loaded with organic matter. The food industry also introduce water high load of organic matter.
Industrial sources: agua ionizada Produces the biggest hits due to the variety of materials agua ionizada and energy agua ionizada sources that contribute to water (organic matter, heavy metals, oils, ...) Among the most polluting industries are petrochemical, energy, paper, steel, textile, etc.. Wastewater from industrial sources may contain products that do not break down (plastics, cans ...) or toxic substances.
Source accident: It is the result agua ionizada of toxic substances by ships Pour the accident then have the sea. The most polluting accidents are vessels that create oil slicks. Life hurts a lot of fish that live there.
Consists of viruses agua ionizada and bacteria in water, waste from animal intestine of humans and animals decaying, etc. 3. A very common pollutants is the possibility of grouping substances agua ionizada into 8 groups: 3.1 pathogens. There are different types of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other organisms transform METENS diseases like cholera, typhoid, gas troenteritis various hepatitis, etc.. In developing countries the diseases caused by these pan-susceptible are one of the most important reasons of premature death, especially in children. Usually these bacteria reach the water in the feces and other organic debris produced by infected people. Therefore, a good index to measure the health of the water in terms of these microorganisms is the number of coliform bacteria in the water. 3.2 Are Defeated organic whole organic waste produced by humans, cattle, etc.. Include feces and other materials that can be decomposed by aerobic bacteria, ie processes with oxygen consumption. When this type of waste are in excess bacterial growth depletes oxygen and can no longer live in these waters fish and other creatures that need oxygen. Bond indices agua ionizada to measure pollution organic waste is the amount of dissolved oxygen, OD, water, or BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand). agua ionizada 3.3 Plant Nutrients Inorganic Nitrates and phosphates are water soluble substances that plants need for their development, but if they are in excessive induce excessive growth of algae and other organisms agua ionizada causing the eutrophication of water. When these algae and other plants die, being decomposed by microorganisms, oxygen depleted ies impossible life of other living beings. The result Esun water smelly and unusable. 3.4 Many organic compounds organic molecules as oil, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, solvents, detergents, etc.. just stay in the water and, in some cases, long periods of time, because the product was manufactured by man, complex molecular structures are difficult to degrade by microorganisms. 3.5 Sediment and material

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