Thursday, November 21, 2013

Stevia is a plant genus with over 240 species, and among them, Stevia rebaudiana, the most known an

I heard them talk, many years ago, the Abel Mariné: "It is a matter of course, and still decide to take to Europe." The stevia or stevia and its derivatives, were being evaluated by the EU for use as a sweetener and a medicinal plant.
There is a segment of the population that has been decanted into your diet to products previously not had the classical diet. The reasons that have been successful are basically charcoal filter providing benefits for health-alleged or real-food classics that supposedly did not deliver. Of course, traditional foods, bread, potatoes, bacon, rice, pasta, sausages, sardines, peas, and the rest-were never advertised products as beneficial to health. It was so obvious that food is good for health! . It was then into the seventies, he began to popularize explicitly that certain foods were virtues charcoal filter for health: sardines were good for the heart, the bones milk, oranges charcoal filter to take the vitamins, carrots for eyes and skin ... Not that you knew before all this, but it was made or bought the daily diet based on health. At least, no one that I know of.
When we begin to look at what gives us a certain charcoal filter food, open the tap all kinds of advertising claims to sell new foods. For example, the Kiwis, the actual name of the plant, Actinidia is promoted by vitamin C (68 mg/100 g), while the peppers have much more (152 mg/100 charcoal filter g). Today is consumed charcoal filter in addition or instead of the classic wheat, cereals such as spelled, kamut, quinoa or amaranth ... If you have not heard of any of these products as soon assabentaras out more.
Stevia is a plant genus with over 240 species, and among them, Stevia rebaudiana, the most known and used. Originally from South America, was brought to Spain where he studied the Valencian botanist charcoal filter and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve sixteenth century, who took the name. The leaves or extracts are very sweet, and so has been used traditionally in the countries of origin as a sweetener instead of sugar. With an extraction process with water, purification of the extract and extract it later recrystallization steviol glycosides (of which there are several, rebaudioside A being the best known) with a purity of 95 % or more. They have 300 times sweeter than sugar, for my taste incredibly empalagós. Devotees attributed charcoal filter also to regulating properties of the concentration of glucose in the blood, and therefore its use by diabetics would have a double advantage: no sugar ingested, and regulate glucose.
For commercial, medical, and even political, marketing stevia or its derivatives in the world has undergone various vicissitudes. It is marketed for some time, both stevioside and their derivatives, in Japan since 1971 - in South America, in China and other countries. In 1995 the Food and Drug Agency (FDA) of the USA had approved steviol glycosides as a food supplement insurance and rebaudioside in 2008 has been recognized as GRAS ("generaly Recognised as safe"). Companies Coca-Cola and Cargill have developed based sweetener steviol glycosides called Truva, Pepsicolen another called PureVia, and there are other products from other brands, such as rebiana. Have begun to use some of it too soft diffusion for now, as a table sweetener.
In Europe the EU assesses steviol charcoal filter glycosides since 2000. After long studies on the toxicity, the EU accepted from November 12, 2011, steviol glycosides as a sweetener additives. The list of authorized additives in Europe steviol glycosides are number E-960. This additive can be added to many types of foods, such as ice cream, some canned food, drinks, jams, provided they are products that do not contain added sugar. The acceptable daily intake charcoal filter is 4 mg / kg body mass. This value can be overcome quite easily, especially if you take many quantities charcoal filter of soft drinks sweetened with this additive, so now there is an open process of re-evaluation of the acceptable daily intake.
In the picture you can see four packets of sweeteners usual tables of bars and restaurants charcoal filter in the United States. Not all the bars have all four, and stevia is less common. The colors correspond to the type of sweetener. Green is the derivative of steviol glycosides E-960, the E-955 Yellow contains sucralose (unusual here), blue is aspartame based on the E-951, and red on saccharin E-954. In Europe, another commonly used sweetener sodium cyclamate is the E-952.
Some companies already marketed in Europe based sweeteners steviol glycosides. Natreen brand has a line of tablets and high

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