INTRODUCTION best water filter pitcher stones (gems) have been admired in all cultures, best water filter pitcher not only for its beauty but also for its healing powers. They are part of our mother earth. Protect us, strengthen us, feed us and give us energy.
Before using the gems to unlock, activate and strengthen our chakras, we have to purify, because we not only share their positive energy but also we can transmit the vibrations that are absorbed best water filter pitcher from the environment. To purify them and to use them right away, we can use salt water and a few minutes or keep them under tap water.
To purify them more deeply, best water filter pitcher will the stone with water and salt or sea salt in dry store. (The salt that is used for this purpose can not be consumed.'s Can throw down the drain). Once purified, the energy charge leaving it a few hours in the sun.
Each chakra best water filter pitcher has assigned several stones best water filter pitcher as discussed below. For our treatment, we believe we will choose the most suitable for our needs. Also can use others that are not described here or let us be guided by our intuition and we will use those more striking.
PLACEMENT OF STONES To continue treatment, trying to find a time when no one interfere in half an hour. Pull us somewhere where we are comfortable and quiet, the stones will be placed best water filter pitcher on each of the chakras.
For the first chakra (radial) will the stone where the legs together or on the perineum. The piece of lingerie can help us to hold it. The second chakra (sacral) where the stone will just pubis. For third chakra (solar plexus) will the two fingers above the navel. For the fourth chakra (heart) put the stone at the height of the heart, in the middle of the chest. For the fifth chakra best water filter pitcher (throat), put a stone under the new neck. This travesty if we want, we can put a second best water filter pitcher stone in the neck. For the sixth chakra (third eye) put the stone between the eyebrows. For the seventh chakra (coronal) best water filter pitcher puts it on the head.
Once placed stones, stretching his arms out, close your eyes and relax us feeling the energy flowing towards us. This treatment does not need to meditate or visualize, you simply relax and let come to mind positive images and feelings. During the year we should not autojutjat for past actions. The strength of the stone awakens the self-healing power of nature. Confia't your guide and accept the healing reactions and purification processes and awareness that occur in you. Depressed or not relegate any of your feelings, but not the strength. Your understanding is not limited natural will do better the effect that cause you force Natural Healing. She found the best way.
If you do not have the stones needed for each of the chakras, we can make a treatment using only rock crystals for all ills. Rock crystal, with its pure white light contains the potential energy of the seven colors of the spectrum. Each color corresponds to a jet with a curse. Thus, the rock crystal is capable of stimulating the chakras and harmonize the energy system as a whole.
Place the crystals best water filter pitcher so that the spikes pointing heart. About the scourge of the heart (fourth chakra) we put two crystals, with a spike to the head and the other with no spike feet. Thus, all energy flows from the heart and there will be radiated again.
This placement is our proposal, but you can use other systems that are pleasant and positive for you. Once the treatment (which should not extend more than 20 minutes) remove the stones from the body and advised to remain stretched for five minutes with your eyes closed to let the experience go slowly shutting down.
FIRST CHAKRA: smoky quartz, garnet, red jasper, oxidiana, blood stone, ruby, black tourmaline. SECOND CHAKRA: amber, best water filter pitcher red aventurine, calcite, gold, citrine, coral, coral, feldspar, imperial topaz. THIRD CHAKRA: aquamarine, azurite, celestite, crisocol, lapis, sodalite, blue topaz, turquoise. FOURTH CHAKRA: aventurine green quartz best water filter pitcher pink crisapaci, emerald green jade, malachite, ruby, pink tourmaline, green tourmaline. FIFTH CXACRA: aquamarine, azurite, celestite, crisocol, sodalite, blue topaz, turquoise. SIXTH CHAKRA: amethyst indicolita, quartz crystal, lapis, sodalite, tourmaline. SEVENTH CHAKRA: amethyst, crystal quartz diorite, diamond sugilita. PROPERTIES OF STONES: ÀGATA FIRE: The fire agate famiília belongs to the Opal. Actively working with the sixth and seventh chakra to provide them with energy. It also works well with the second best water filter pitcher and third chakra, balances gifts. It is of great help
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