Friday, November 1, 2013

Not my own experience but a good friend also has the same problem, just returned from a 2 week Botsw

Are there any other Desert Wolf owners that battle with dust inside the trailor? I've got a 1 year old Lynx and from the start it sucked dust better than any vacuumcleaner. It seems that DW did not seal properly when building the trailor, basic things like bolts and seams were not sealed at all. After every trip the trailor has got to go back to DW for sealing yet another leak. It's spending more time at DW than in my garage. DW claims that I my case is the exception, all other owners are dust free. I've renamed my trailor, it's now known as the Desert Dust.
Not my own experience but a good friend also has the same problem, just returned from a 2 week Botswana trip. The Conquerer lifestraw personal water filter and Echo trailers were dust free but the inside of the Desert Wolf looked like a dust storm has gone through the inside. lifestraw personal water filter __________________ Johan Prinsloo Fury Ford Midrand 4xFury Adventure Club 011 315-3295
Helenus, what type of rubber seal is in the DW? Echo use the proper rubber lifestraw personal water filter seals also used in the motor indistry. Then also the closing mechanism press on 2 points on each door to press and keep it in place. How does the DW doors close? lifestraw personal water filter __________________ Willem Grobler LC 105 GX 4500 EFI & Companion
Willem, DW gebruik 'n ander se l op die deure as Echo, Conq en ander. Rubeerse ls soos wat die canopy mense bebruik word buite teen die bin geplak en die deur druk dan daarteen. Se ls nie soos ander waens se motortipe rubber wat basies toemaak soos 'n motordeur "binne" 'n raam. DW s'n sit buite. Die grootste probleem kom met die verkil in gaping tussen deur en bak. Die klavierskarnier sit tussen die deur en bak en nie buite soos op ander waens, wat maak dat die gaping tussen bak en deur hier kleiner lifestraw personal water filter is as by die ander 3 kante van die deur. En dis hier waar die stog insuig, selfs met nuwe rubbers. In my beskeie opinie 'n major ontwerp fout wat ek moes maar ongelukkig nie raakgesien het in my navorsing voor ek gekoop het nie. Maar die meeste stof kom in by openinge in die bakwerk. Orals plekke wat gese l moes word tydens die bou, maar nie gedoen is nie. Bv. waar die kragkabel van onder in 'n bin inkom, lifestraw personal water filter gleuwe van die tent raam teen die basisbord, alle boute wat van verskillende panele en bins vashou. Baie hiervan is nie gese l met of silikon of veselwassers. Ek het al drie groot buise silikon opgebruik en my eie se lwerk gedoen, maar ek wil nie die wa strip om binne te se l nie, ek wil nie waarborg skade doen nie. Buitendien dis hulle werk. Soos jy s benhur, baie geld vir swak werk. Het gister na die Conquerers gaan loer en afwerking baie beter. Maar DW het sy pluspunte, en behalwe vir die stof en swak kli ntediens is dit 'n goeie wa.
Helenus , what you are experiencing is exactly the same as I had with my canopy. It's pressure and dust gaps . As the van is being towed there is a certain ammount of pressure in the van which then pulls the dust in through bad sealing mostly at the rear. I have a pressure equaliser which does the trick . These things are sold and fitted by some canopy manufacturers. I have a stainless steel dome/perspex item I bought from a yacht supply company for equalising pressure lifestraw personal water filter on yachts. This thing lets in the light , allows air , but does not allow water to come in. Size about 225mm across. If you like I can take a pic and e-mail it to you . I think the price was about R175.00. Fitted it myself. It does work.Trying to seal and reseal can go on for ever and in the end does'nt really work .The sheet metal doors etc. might not have been manufactured perfectly square to eah other, so it does'nt matter how much rubber sealing you use there will always be dust.
Richie, I hear what you say about fixing the probblem, but these trailers are supposed to be sealing 100% and not to let any dust in anywhere. My Bundu trailer also uses the car type rubbers at all the doors with proper hinges and latches to keep the doors sealed tight and on the inside you can see that each and every joint, screw etc was sealed with a sealant before it was painted. Thus the inside is 100% air and water tight. lifestraw personal water filter The DW being a much more expensive trailer then the Bundu should at least offer the same built quality. I was seriously looking lifestraw personal water filter at the DW and have spoke to a few people who had them and did not have such problems. (Luckily it seems) I could not afford to buy the DW at the time, since it looks like the built quality started to go south as time goes buy, maybe because of mass production. __________________ 4.0 Prado VX and SFA Hilux
Thanks Richie, a photo would be nice, as well as a contact detail if you have of the place where you bought it. But I do agree with benhur, a trailer can be dustproof and should be, (regardless of the cost). lifestraw personal water filter There are many brands out there that are dustproof. My friend's 2nd hand older model Echo is dustfree. On a recent trip to Namibia I chatted to DW, Echo and Conq owners. The two DW were sucking lifestraw personal water filter dust and except for one Su

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