Friday, November 29, 2013

The water is extracted at a fixed point and two phones around Palamos and Blanes carried in tanks L

The Catalan company Marevendis Agua de Mar revolutionizing the market with a new product gastronomic Agua Mediterranean Sea. It packaged seawater extracted from Palamos and Blanes on the Costa Brava for gastronomic purposes. The idea two years ago, two young men is 28 and 34 residents of San Celoni (Vallès Oriental) and Barcelona materialized last weekend with first sale of 3,000 containers of 1, 5 and 3 liters at a price of 2.40 euros and 4.60 respectively. The product is aimed at the individual consumer, but also restaurants for culinary uses.
This new product enhances the gastronomic quality and taste of the dishes, and is supported by the Foundation for Nutritional Research and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. It is an innovative product in the state but there are similar initiatives in France and Scotland. aqua guard "It is a product that serves primarily to cook," said Francis Cheek, and that "brings many more nutrients than normal water and allows no boost the flavor and texture of the fish, especially during the thawing process." But seawater is packed for exclusive use with seafood. It also provides very good results in rice, potatoes or salads, they gain in quality and taste, explains Albert Fernandez, the other co-founder. "Sea water can be used to cook any dish, which not only add water and salt, but also many other nutrients like calcium or iron, and also health gains," stand out.
But beyond online sales to consumers especially have begun a small-scale distribution between restaurants and food service with a larger aqua guard container of 22 liters, which is present aqua guard in a dozen restaurants. They have also reached an agreement with a company to distribute throughout aqua guard the country hotels, restaurants and catering services.
The water is extracted at a fixed point and two phones around Palamos and Blanes carried in tanks Llinars del Valles, which carries out the process of filtration and purification. The plant has a production capacity of 20,000 liters a week. Marevendis Agua de Mar was created in June 2011 and currently has 5 employees. With an initial investment of 300,000 euros, expected to recover aqua guard the investment within a few years.
Rate in Marevendis Llinars Agua de Mar del Vallès and bottled aqua guard water extracts of the Costa Brava to sell it in restaurants, hotels and private aqua guard homes. The Catalan company aqua guard Marevendis Agua de Mar revolutionizing aqua guard the market with ......
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