Monday, November 4, 2013

Scary thing is Duvha has a shared turbine hall. All six units are placed in one long straight stripe

Eskom se Duvha powerstation: Kaboom!
As jy die foto's hieronder kokkenodge moxtra sonder moxtra om te lees, sou seker skiem dis een of ander powerstation in Japan na daai fokken hectic aardbewings, maar dit is nie. Hierdie is sommer op home soil, pappie! Gelukkig moxtra is tax payers daar om vir al hierdie kak te betaal… Nou wonder mens hoekom Eskom elke nou en dan met die hoed in die hand voor die regering se deur staan en bedel vir goodfor…
In 1993 Duvha became the first power station in the world to be retrofitted with pulse jet fabric moxtra filter plants on three of its six units. These plants contribute largely to the reduction of air pollution by removing 99.99% moxtra of the fly ash which otherwise would be released into the air through the station's chimneys.
8 January 2003, Unit 2 generator explodes while being returned to service after a malfunction. On the the 9 February 2011 another unit failed catastrophically while performing over speed testing. The units are over speed rated at 3600rpm and the last recorded speed before failure was 4250rpm."
They were doing a test of the turbine overspeed protection system, and in short, the protection moxtra did not kick in. conventional wisdom tells me that there should be a better way to test a protection system than to try and destroy the turbine and see if it feels like protecting itself, moxtra but that’s basically what they did.
The turbine has a governor valve which controls the amount moxtra of steam coming into the turbine In order to keep it running at the right speed (3000 rpm for our grid frequency) and then it has a main isolation valve to shut the steam off completely. The protections systems (of which there are 3 independent systems, and a dude with his finger on the emergency button) are supposed to close this main isolation valve in a fraction of a second when the turbine overspeeds.
So they get ready for the test, they dump a helluva lot of steam onto the turbine, speed starts going crazy, it went from 3000 RPM to 4500 RMP in ten seconds (they are generally only designed for 10 to 15% overspeed, moxtra all three protection systems should have kicked in by the time you get to 110%). Anyway, I don’t know why, but all three systems failed, and the dude with his finger on the manual trip button wasn’t at his post.  So the result was a big bang, some fire and a lot of steam going where it shouldn’t go.
Scary thing is Duvha has a shared turbine hall. All six units are placed in one long straight stripe, with no missile shield between them. And if you look at the third last pic you can see how big that shaft is, if that landed on another turbine it would have destroyed that too. They are very lucky they didn’t lose the entire station.
So anyway, what gets reported in the news? “Unforeseen maintenance” at one of the units at duvha requires it to remain shut down for 18 months. understatement of the century in my book. But you shut off the containment ventilation system moxtra at Koeberg for one hour and a radiation alarm goes off, then it’s a front page news national crisis. I give up.
Waddefok! Is hierdie nou Carte Blanche? Wel, al ooit van “chain of command” gehoor? Het jy iets hieromtrent moxtra intern gedoen, sensasie japie? As jy nie na jou GM toe wil gaan nie, sal ek. Op WKJ nogal, waddefok. Look around, idiot, there are much worse shit going on… Take your gripes up withinin your company, up to high levels until it gets attention… This is not the platform, well – it got attention, so maybe it is afterall….
So as mens 'n Eksdom tegnikus/ingeneur vra of daar landmyne in die veld is draf hy/sy (gender equality) gou deur om te kyk.   Binnekort sit ons met klomp fietse met dynamos op vir ons Power Grid krag op te wek, behoort darm iets aan werkloosheid te doen. 50mil Eksdom tegnisie op trapfietse.
Ja uncover! Dis hoog tyd. DIS MOS NOU REPORTING uit die boonste rakke vanuit die voorste linies! News24/SABC se moer: die publiek moet ignorant gehou word anders gaan hulle te veel vrae vra – se moer!
Ek dink bettieboep gat so aan oorlat hy/sy/dit die skillige party is hier – die werfetter wat vinger op die knoppie moes hou…  Ek wil weet wadefok met my taxgeld gedoen word want ek sou verkies dat hulle die oopgroefmyn (slaggat) in die pad voor my huis regmaak eerder as as hom hulle fokops te fix.  Eish… 
Ek dink Bettie se batteries is pap soos haa tiete. :\
Artikel in SakeBeeld vandag: "Eskom gaan korrupsie uitsnuffel" - plaas gaan snuffel moxtra hulle eerder 'n paar tegnici met meer as 3 breinselle uit om die fokken plek aan die gang te hou (of ten minste nie nog verder in sy moer in op te blaas nie…)
nogal n slim idee, Griff hoekom begin julle nie nog een van watkykjy se suster websites nie,en al die kak waarvoor ons so betaal as jan ta

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